Master Computational Science (910 [2] - Version 2022)
APMG-A Foundations of Computational Science A (für Absolvent*innen eines naturwiss. Vorstudiums) (24 ECTS)
PN-NUM1 Pflichtmodul Numerical Mathematics 1 (12 ECTS)
- 262001 VO [ en ] Numerical Mathematics 1
- 262002 UE [ en ] Numerical Mathematics 1 - Exercises
PMG-PA Pflichtmodul Programming and Algorithms (12 ECTS)
PROG Pflichtmodul Programming (6 ECTS)
- 051020 VU [ de en ] Programmierung 2
PLC Pflichtmodul Programming Languages and Concepts (6 ECTS)
- 051030 VU [ en ] Programmiersprachen und -konzepte
APMG-B Foundations of Computational Science B (für Absolvent*innen eines Vorstudiums Mathematik) (24 ECTS)
PMG-PA Pflichtmodul Programming and Algorithms (12 ECTS)
PROG Pflichtmodul Programming (6 ECTS)
- 051020 VU [ de en ] Programmierung 2
PLC Pflichtmodul Programming Languages and Concepts (6 ECTS)
- 051030 VU [ en ] Programmiersprachen und -konzepte
WMG-NAT Wahlmodulgruppe Computational Natural Sciences (12 ECTS)
ICA Introduction to Computational Astrophysics (6 ECTS)
ICBD Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery (6 ECTS)
- 262005 VO [ en ] Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery
- 262006 UE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery - Exercises
ICCP Introduction to Computational Chemistry and Physics (6 ECTS)
ICM Introduction to Computational Meteorology (6ECTS)
- 262003 VO [ en ] Introduction to Computational Meteorology
APMG-C Foundations of Computational Science C (für Absolvent*innen eines Vorstudiums Informatik) (24 ECTS)
PN-NUM1 Pflichtmodul Numerical Mathematics 1 (12 ECTS)
- 262001 VO [ en ] Numerical Mathematics 1
- 262002 UE [ en ] Numerical Mathematics 1 - Exercises
WMG-NAT Wahlmodulgruppe Computational Natural Sciences (12 ECTS)
ICA Introduction to Computational Astrophysics (6 ECTS)
ICBD Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery (6 ECTS)
- 262005 VO [ en ] Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery
- 262006 UE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Introduction to Computational Biology and Drug Discovery - Exercises
ICCP Introduction to Computational Chemistry and Physics (6 ECTS)
ICM Introduction to Computational Meteorology (6ECTS)
- 262003 VO [ en ] Introduction to Computational Meteorology
Alternative Pflichtmodule Data Science (6 ECTS)
IML Alternatives Pflichtmodul Introduction to Machine Learning (6 ECTS)
- 053613 VU [ en ] Introduction to Machine Learning
SDS Alternatives Pflichtmodul Statistics for Data Science (6 ECTS)
- 053614 VU [ en ] Statistics for Data Science
Pflichtmodulgruppe Core of Computational Science (30 ECTS)
PM-NUM2 Pflichtmodul Numerical Mathematics 2 (8 ECTS)
PM-ADS Pflichtmodul Algorithms and Data Structures for Computational Science (4 ECTS)
PM-ACS Pflichtmodul Advanced Computational Science (18 ECTS)
Naturwissenschaftliche Fächer (mindestens 8 ECTS)
- PRÜFUNG M-CORE 1 Written Module Exam Advanced Computational Physics
- 270086 VO Simulation Chemischer Dynamik
- 270124 VO [ de en ] Computergrafik und Molekulare Modellierung
- 270151 VU [ de en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Computational Systems Biology: from enzymes to networks
- 270212 VO ( GEMISCHT ) Biomolekulare Nanotechnologie
- 270228 UE Computerübung zu Simulation Chemischer Dynamik
Programmierung & Algorithmen und/oder Data Science (mindestens 6 ECTS)
- 052101 VU [ en ] Numerical Algorithms
- 052500 VU [ en ] Distributed Systems Engineering
- 052800 VU [ en ] Parallel Computing
- 053611 VU [ en ] Mathematics of Data Science
- 053612 VU [ en ] Optimisation Methods for Data Science
- 053613 VU [ en ] Introduction to Machine Learning
- 053614 VU [ en ] Statistics for Data Science
Pflichtmodul Academic Skills and Ethics (3 ECTS)
PM-ASE Academic Skills and Ethics (3 ECTS)
- 262000 VU [ en ] Academic Skills and Ethics
Pflichtmodul Specialisation (20 ECTS)
PM-SPEC Specialisation (20 ECTS)
- 052111 VU [ en ] Advanced Algorithms
- 052112 VU [ en ] Numerical High Performance Algorithms
- 052215 VU [ en ] Visualisation and Visual Data Analysis
- 052311 VU [ en ] Data Mining
- 052312 VO [ en ] Computational Optimisation
- 052314 UE [ en ] Computational Optimisation
- 052315 VU [ en ] Natural Language Processing
- 052511 VU [ en ] Cloud Computing
- 053522 VU [ en ] Bioinformatik für Phylogenie und evolutionäre Stammbaumrekonstruktion
- 250042 PS [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Algorithms
- 250062 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Applied analysis
- 250063 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Nonlinear optimization
- 250066 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Advanced partial differential equations
- 250068 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Stochastic processes
- 250078 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Quantum Information, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Algorithms
- 250090 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Seminar Applied PDE
- 250116 VO [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Introduction to complex network analysis
- 250117 PS [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Introduction to complex network analysis
- 250143 SE [ en ] ( VOR-ORT ) Mathematical/Computational Astro/Quantum Physics
- 260035 VU [ en ] Applied (Quantum-) Cryptography: Codes and how (not) to break them with Quantum Computers
- 260115 VU [ en ] Complex Systems I: Foundations, Concepts and Phenomena
- 270043 PR ( GEMISCHT ) Forschungsbeispiel Modellierung von Soft Matter und Materialien
- 270128 PR Forschungsbeispiele aus Computergestützter Biologischer Chemie
- 270129 PR [ de en ] Praktikum zu Computergrafik und Molekulare Modellierung
- 270229 PR Forschungsbeispiel in Chemischer Dynamik
- 270236 PR ( GEMISCHT ) Praktikum zu Bioinformatischen Problemen aus Chemie und Biologie
- 270237 PR [ de en ] Forschungsbeispiel in Theoretischer Chemie
- 280354 VU [ en ] Modelling and Data Analysis
- 520024 VU [ en ] Polymer Theory
- 530032 SE [ en ] Quantenchemie und chemische Dynamik
Pflichtmodul Extension (10 ECTS)
PM-EXT Extension (10 ECTS)
- 260018 VU [ en ] From the science of climate change to the human climate crisis
Letzte Änderung: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44
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