Master Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (810) - auslaufend
Allgemeine Hinweise:Aktuelle Infos zu Lehrveranstaltungen (z.B. Absagen, Änderungen, Prüfungstermine etc.) und Öffnungszeiten finden Sie auf unserer Homepage Wegen der aktuellen COVID-19-Situation kann es kurzfristig zu Änderungen in der Form der Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen und bei den Prüfungsmodalitäten kommen. Behalten Sie daher auch nach der Anmeldung die LV-Infomationen auf u:find im Auge.HINWEIS:Das Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie nimmt an den EU-weiten ERASMUS Programmen teil.Genauere Informationen entnehmen Sie den Ankündigungen am Institut und der Homepage
P1 Methoden (15 ECTS)
- 240508 SE [ de en ] MM2 Wetterwelten Philippinen
- 240509 PR [ de en ] MM2 Wetterwelten Philippinen
P2 Theorien (15 ECTS)
- 240510 VO [ en ] MM3 Migration and anthropology as a discipline
- 240511 SE MM3 Kult und Ritual in Melanesien
- 240512 SE [ en ] MM3 Toxicity, chemosociality and alterlife
- 240513 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of Global Conflicts
- 240514 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of ritual action
- 240515 SE [ en ] MM3 De-colonising border study: border-making and mobility in South Asia
- 240516 SE [ en ] MM3 Environment and Care: Access to resources in Romania - Preparation Course for fieldschool in Spring 2024
- 240517 SE [ en ] MM3 Sexual Identities and/or Orientations: From LGBT via Queer to LGBTTIQQ2SAA+ - and back (?)
- 240518 SE [ en ] MM3 All that Folk: Popular Politics in Comparative Perspective
- 240519 SE [ en ] MM3 Tastes and Distastes: Explorations in the Anthropology of Food
- 240520 SE [ en ] MM3 Dealing with ethnographic objects: From the Restitution Debate to New Actionism
- 240521 SE [ en ] MM3 Thinking with Things: Anthropological Approaches to Material Culture
- 240522 SE [ en ] MM3 Machine vision: images, operations, and the (post)human
- 240523 SE [ en ] MM3 From Art History to Visual Culture
- 240534 VO [ en ] MM3 The Anthropology of Sports: Concepts, Potentials, Examples
P3 Regionale Forschungsfelder (15 ECTS)
- 240510 VO [ en ] MM3 Migration and anthropology as a discipline
- 240511 SE MM3 Kult und Ritual in Melanesien
- 240512 SE [ en ] MM3 Toxicity, chemosociality and alterlife
- 240513 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of Global Conflicts
- 240514 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of ritual action
- 240515 SE [ en ] MM3 De-colonising border study: border-making and mobility in South Asia
- 240516 SE [ en ] MM3 Environment and Care: Access to resources in Romania - Preparation Course for fieldschool in Spring 2024
- 240517 SE [ en ] MM3 Sexual Identities and/or Orientations: From LGBT via Queer to LGBTTIQQ2SAA+ - and back (?)
- 240518 SE [ en ] MM3 All that Folk: Popular Politics in Comparative Perspective
- 240519 SE [ en ] MM3 Tastes and Distastes: Explorations in the Anthropology of Food
- 240520 SE [ en ] MM3 Dealing with ethnographic objects: From the Restitution Debate to New Actionism
- 240521 SE [ en ] MM3 Thinking with Things: Anthropological Approaches to Material Culture
- 240522 SE [ en ] MM3 Machine vision: images, operations, and the (post)human
- 240523 SE [ en ] MM3 From Art History to Visual Culture
- 240533 SE [ en ] MM3 Race and Genetics: American Biopolitics
- 240534 VO [ en ] MM3 The Anthropology of Sports: Concepts, Potentials, Examples
P4 Thematische Forschungsfelder (15 ECTS)
- 240510 VO [ en ] MM3 Migration and anthropology as a discipline
- 240511 SE MM3 Kult und Ritual in Melanesien
- 240512 SE [ en ] MM3 Toxicity, chemosociality and alterlife
- 240513 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of Global Conflicts
- 240514 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of ritual action
- 240515 SE [ en ] MM3 De-colonising border study: border-making and mobility in South Asia
- 240516 SE [ en ] MM3 Environment and Care: Access to resources in Romania - Preparation Course for fieldschool in Spring 2024
- 240517 SE [ en ] MM3 Sexual Identities and/or Orientations: From LGBT via Queer to LGBTTIQQ2SAA+ - and back (?)
- 240518 SE [ en ] MM3 All that Folk: Popular Politics in Comparative Perspective
- 240519 SE [ en ] MM3 Tastes and Distastes: Explorations in the Anthropology of Food
- 240520 SE [ en ] MM3 Dealing with ethnographic objects: From the Restitution Debate to New Actionism
- 240521 SE [ en ] MM3 Thinking with Things: Anthropological Approaches to Material Culture
- 240522 SE [ en ] MM3 Machine vision: images, operations, and the (post)human
- 240523 SE [ en ] MM3 From Art History to Visual Culture
- 240533 SE [ en ] MM3 Race and Genetics: American Biopolitics
- 240534 VO [ en ] MM3 The Anthropology of Sports: Concepts, Potentials, Examples
APA Alternatives Pflichtmodul A (0/15 ECTS)
- 240510 VO [ en ] MM3 Migration and anthropology as a discipline
- 240511 SE MM3 Kult und Ritual in Melanesien
- 240512 SE [ en ] MM3 Toxicity, chemosociality and alterlife
- 240513 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of Global Conflicts
- 240514 SE [ en ] MM3 Anthropology of ritual action
- 240515 SE [ en ] MM3 De-colonising border study: border-making and mobility in South Asia
- 240516 SE [ en ] MM3 Environment and Care: Access to resources in Romania - Preparation Course for fieldschool in Spring 2024
- 240517 SE [ en ] MM3 Sexual Identities and/or Orientations: From LGBT via Queer to LGBTTIQQ2SAA+ - and back (?)
- 240518 SE [ en ] MM3 All that Folk: Popular Politics in Comparative Perspective
- 240519 SE [ en ] MM3 Tastes and Distastes: Explorations in the Anthropology of Food
- 240520 SE [ en ] MM3 Dealing with ethnographic objects: From the Restitution Debate to New Actionism
- 240521 SE [ en ] MM3 Thinking with Things: Anthropological Approaches to Material Culture
- 240522 SE [ en ] MM3 Machine vision: images, operations, and the (post)human
- 240523 SE [ en ] MM3 From Art History to Visual Culture
- 240533 SE [ en ] MM3 Race and Genetics: American Biopolitics
- 240534 VO [ en ] MM3 The Anthropology of Sports: Concepts, Potentials, Examples
P5 Forschungsdesign und Praxiskompetenzen (15 ECTS)
- 020037 SE ( VOR-ORT ) Interkulturelle und interreligiöse Dialoginitiativen in Theorie und Praxis - Seminar zu einem Thema der anwendungsorientierten Religionswissenschaft
- 240527 SE MM6 Datenanalyse
- 240528 VU MM6 Populärkulturen und glokale Verflechtungen. Kulturanthropologische Podcasts gestalten
P6 Anthropologisches Laboratorium (5 ECTS)
- 240529 SE MM7 Werkstatt Forschungsdesign
- 240530 SE [ en ] MM7 Werkstatt Forschungsdesign
Letzte Änderung: Fr 12.01.2024 00:44