12.01. Anglistik und Amerikanistik
I. Lehrveranstaltungen zu Pflichtprüfungen nach den Studienplänen Diplomstudium 343 und Unterrichtsfach Englisch 344
Erster Studienabschnitt
1.1. Sprachkompetenz
- 120126 VO [ en ] Language Analysis 101
- 120047 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120052 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120059 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120063 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120074 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120166 VK [ en ] Language Analysis 102
- 120031 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120143 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120048 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120085 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120095 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120135 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills I
- 120020 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120046 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills 1
- 120053 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120055 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120069 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120072 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120076 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120100 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120116 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120129 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120137 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120145 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills II
- 120056 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120068 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120103 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120138 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120139 UE [ en ] Language in Use I
- 120057 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120064 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120078 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120115 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120127 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120134 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120160 UE [ en ] Language in Use II
- 120016 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - British English
- 120029 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - British English
- 120030 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - British English
- 120087 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - American English
- 120108 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - British English
- 120114 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - British English
- 120142 UE [ en ] Practical Phonetics and Oral Communication Skills - American English
- 120039 UE [ en ] Integrated Language and Study Skills 1
1.2. Linguistik
- 120113 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Language 1
- 120079 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Language 2
- 120121 PS [ en ] Introduction to the History of English
- 120125 PS [ en ] Introduction to the History of English
- 120131 PS [ en ] Introduction to the History of English
- 120141 PS [ en ] Introduction to the History of English
- 120168 PS [ en ] Introduction to the History of English
- 120028 PS [ en ] Introduction to the History of English
- 120018 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (linguistics) - Phonetics and Phonology
- 120037 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (linguistics) - Second Language Acquisition
- 120050 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (linguistics) - Phonetics and Phonology
- 120081 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (linguistics) - Discourse Analysis
- 120162 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (linguistics) - Discourse Analysis
1.3. Literaturwissenschaft
- 120015 VO [ en ] Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English
- 120060 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 1 - From the Tudors to the Restoration: 1485-1660
- 120130 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 1 - From Chaucer to 1700
- 120061 VO [ en ] Survey of Literatures in English 2 - British Literature 1660 - 2000
- 120021 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (literature) - New Orleans Literature
- 120034 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (literature) - The 'Long' 18th Century
- 120082 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (literature) - The Canon Revisited: New Theories Applied to Classics
- 120122 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (literature) - Female Voices from the Modern American South
- 120136 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (literature) - Probing the Literary Elite: Nobel Prize Winners Re-examined
- 120175 PS [ en ] Introductory Seminar (literature) - The Bard Re-loaded: Shakespeare and Adaptation
1.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltungen
- 120043 VO [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 401
- 120019 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120042 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120041 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120146 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120158 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120159 VK [ en ] Introduction to Cultural and Regional Studies 402
- 120058 VO [ en ] CRS: American Civilisation
- 120080 VO [ en ] CRS: English-Speaking World - Irish Studies - Irish Studies: an introduction
- 120017 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): "The Shadow of the Other Subject" - Cultural-historical Meanings of Intertextual Reconfigurations of Scriptural Female Figures in Literature
- 120086 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course (Gender St): Signifier-Signified-Referent - Post/structural approaches in gender, cult. and postcolonial studies
- 120117 VO [ en ] Cognitive Metaphor in Theory and Practice
- 120132 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course: Approaching ESP Texts
- 120165 AR [ en ] Interdisc. Course: "Because It's Cool" - Transatlantic Dialogues on "American and "Austrian" Cultures
1.5. Fachdidaktik
- 120051 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching 1
- 120054 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching 1
- 120065 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching 1
- 120027 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching 2
- 120096 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching 2
- 120109 UE [ en ] Introduction to Language Teaching 2
Zweiter Studienabschnitt
- 120157 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120163 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: English word-formation
- 120164 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: The Sociolinguistics of L2 Englishes
2.1. Sprachkompetenz
- 120026 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120077 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120144 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills I
- 120022 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120024 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120025 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120088 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120105 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120157 UE [ en ] Advanced Integrated Language Skills II
- 120084 UE [ en ] Languages Side by Side in Cultural Management for Music
- 120161 UE [ en ] World of Work 1 (ESP)
- 120091 UE [ en ] World of Work 2 (ESP)
- 120073 UE [ en ] Advanced Oral Presentation Skills
- 120167 UE [ en ] Advanced Oral Presentation Skills
2.2. Linguistik
- 120036 VO [ en ] Core Lecture Linguistics
- 120045 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Language contact and bilingualism in the history of English
- 120075 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Cross-Cultural Communication
- 120118 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Beyond Words - Capturing the Reality of Spoken Discourse
- 120140 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: Right today, wrong tomorrow - how and why some ways of using English come to count as bad
- 120163 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: English word-formation
- 120164 SE [ en ] Linguistics Seminar: The Sociolinguistics of L2 Englishes
- 120038 AR [ en ] Corpus Linguistics - Corpus Linguistics
- 120169 AR [ en ] Linguistics course (interactive) 223
- 120170 AR [ en ] Linguistics course (interactive) 223
- 120033 AR [ en ] The Multilingual Mind
- 120102 AR [ en ] Introduction to Corpus Linguistics
- 120112 AR [ en ] Anglo-Saxon and Other Attitudes - Perceptions of English as a Global Language
- 120171 VO [ en ] Special Linguistics Course: Morphology I - English inflectional morphology - synchronic/diachronic
2.3. Literaturwissenschaft
- 120104 VO [ en ] The 19th Century English Novel
- 120110 VO [ en ] Traditions in American Poetry
- 120023 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: Global Designs - Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Space in Contemporary Canadian Literature
- 120035 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: Trauma, Memory and Narrative in the Contemp. SA Novel
- 120101 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: James Joyce, Ulysses
- 120111 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: Southern Writers and the European Scene
- 120120 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: The War of the Sexes. - Restoration Drama and its Portrayal of Gender Stereotypes
- 120123 SE [ en ] Literary Seminar: Teachers and Teaching Methods in Selected Eng Narrative Lit. (198os to 2007)
- 120083 AR [ en ] Contemp. Eng. Short Stories as Texts for the Classroom
- 120128 AR [ en ] 'Blockbuster Poetry': Britains's Best-Loved Lyrics
- 120176 AR [ en ] Harold Pinter's One Act Plays
- 120067 AR [ en ] Weltbühne Wien: Stoppard, Ravenhill and Co. 2007/2008
- 120090 AR [ en ] London and the London Theatre Scene (with field trip)
- 120177 AR [ en ] From the Colonial to the Post-Colonial Island
2.4. Cultural Studies - Gender Studies - interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltungen
- 120066 SE [ en ] Advanced Cultural Studies Course (Seminar) - Dress Code. An introduction to the analysis of fashion, costumes and clothing.
- 120178 AR [ en ] Adv. CS: The Isles. Britain before the Anglo-Saxons
- 120097 AR [ en ] Adv. CS: Soccer as a Cultural Metaphor
- 120070 AR [ en ] Social and Cult. Interaction and Literary Landscapes in the Canadian West
2.5. Fachdidaktik
- 120062 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120089 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120133 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120156 UE [ en ] Begleitende Lehrveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum
- 120147 UE [ en ] Themenspezif. Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik): Culture and the Classroom
- 120148 UE [ en ] Themenspezifische Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik) - Hooked by the book!? - Literature and ELT
- 120152 UE [ en ] Themenspezifische Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik) - English Speaking Countries in the Context of ELT
- 120154 UE [ en ] Themenspezif. Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik): Visual Culture and Visual Literacy
- 120092 UE [ en ] Themenspezifische Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik) - Express yourself - productive skills in language teaching
- 120106 UE [ en ] Themenspezif. Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik): Pedagogical grammar
- 120149 UE [ en ] Themenspezif. Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik)
- 120150 UE [ en ] Themenspezif. Lehrveranstaltung (Fachdidaktik)
- 120151 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology
- 120153 AR [ en ] Principles of ELT Methodology
2.6. Diplomanden / Doktorandenseminare
- 120172 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar
- 120173 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar
- 120174 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar
- 120093 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar
- 120098 SE [ en ] DiplomandInnenseminar
II. Freifächer
- 120094 AR [ en ] Phonetic Transcription
- 120119 KO [ en ] Freies Wahlfach Linguistik: Research methods in linguistics
- 120049 KO [ en ] Freies Wahlfach Linguistik: Doing historical pragmatics: early texts
- 120181 KO [ en ] Freies Wahlfach Linguistik: Forschungsseminar - Conducting research into English as a lingua franca: theoretical frameworks and analysis
- 120155 AR [ en ] Freies Wahlfach Fachdidaktik: Drama as a Teaching Method in the Classroom
- 120182 AR [ en ] Freies Wahlfach Fachdidaktik: Staff Seminar
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:34