Achtung! Das Lehrangebot ist noch nicht vollständig und wird bis Semesterbeginn laufend ergänzt.
Masterstudium CREOLE - Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes
Thematische Module
Materielle Kultur und Konsumtion
- 240194 VO [ en ] Bodies of Memory (P4)
- 240198 SE [ en ] Anthropology of Food and Consumption (P4) - Approaches to the social phenomenon under globalised conditions
Neue Identitäten
- 240179 SE [ en ] After Colonialism (P3) (P4) - The Realities and Challenges of Practicing Anthropology and Ethnohistory in Contemporary Australia
- 240190 SE [ en ] Turko-Persian Ethnographies (P3)
- 240195 VO [ en ] Image Power and Representation (P4)
- 240197 SE [ en ] Lifeworlds of Children and Young People (P4) - anthropological research methods, research experiences and trends
- 240219 SE "Local knowledge" und Immaterielles Kulturerbe (P4)
Visuelle Kultur, Populärkultur
- 240193 SE [ en ] Introduction to the African Diaspora: Networks of Politics and Culture (P3) (P4)
- 240195 VO [ en ] Image Power and Representation (P4)
- 240196 SE [ en ] Myths of the visual, audio-visual realities and media discourse (P4) - including (film) examples from Latin America
- 240199 SE [ en ] Rastafari, Dancehall and the Sexual Politics of Reggae Music (P4)
- 240205 UE [ en ] Making documentary Videos (P5)
- 240215 SE [ en ] The 4 As: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture (P4) - The 4 As: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture
Theoriengeschichte und Methoden der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
- 240185 VO [ en ] Nationalism in Times of Globalisation (P2)
- 240186 VO Paradigmenwechsel in der (inter)-kulturellen Kommunikation (P2) - aus kultur- und sozialanthropologischer Perspektive
- 240187 VO [ en ] Postcolonial Theory and Anthropological Practices (P2)
Wissenschaftliche Methoden
- 240180 SE Methodenseminar: Die Stadt als Raum und Umwelt (P1)
- 240181 SE Methodenseminar: Überleben im Datendschungel (P1)
- 240182 PR Feldpraktikum: Bali (P1)
- 240183 PR Feldpraktikum: Intimitäten erforschen (P1) - Diversität und gelebte Erfahrungen von Citizenship in Wien
- 240184 PR Feldpraktikum: Analyse eines Global Events: Die Kunstbiennale von Dakar (P1)
Erasmus Modul
- 240179 SE [ en ] After Colonialism (P3) (P4) - The Realities and Challenges of Practicing Anthropology and Ethnohistory in Contemporary Australia
- 240193 SE [ en ] Introduction to the African Diaspora: Networks of Politics and Culture (P3) (P4)
- 240215 SE [ en ] The 4 As: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture (P4) - The 4 As: Anthropology, Archaeology, Art and Architecture
- 240223 SE [ en ] Migration and health (P4)
CREOLE Thesis Modul 2
- 240206 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240207 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240208 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240209 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240210 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240211 AL Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
- 240213 AL [ en ] Anthropologisches Laboratorium (P6)
Letzte Änderung: Mi 13.06.2018 00:37