Universität Wien

010061 VO "Killer of the Lord" (Gregory of Nyssa) and "People of the Convenant" (John Paul II.) (2014S)

Christian Teaching between Anti- Semitism and Repentance

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 1 - Katholische Theologie

This lecture goes hand in hand with the lectures of Klaus Davidowicz and Armin Lange about "The History of Anti-Semitism from its Beginning to Present Days" and it addresses the relationship of Christianity to Judaism from a theological point of view. The history of this relationship will be developed alongside the main topics of Christian teaching.


Language: German

Examination dates



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

This lecture goes hand in hand with the lectures of Klaus Davidowicz and Armin Lange about "The History of Anti-Semitism from its Beginning to Present Days" and it addresses the relationship of Christianity to Judaism from a theological point of view. The history of this relationship will be developed alongside the main topics of Christian teaching in order to deal with these central questions:
How did and does Christianity perceive Judaism?
In which ways was Judaism relevant to the Christianity of different eras?
How did this relationship of a certain era correspond with theological teaching?
What kind of influence did the theological teaching have on the clerical preaching and ecclesiastical art?
The lecture will deal with these questions in the light of eight formative stages in Christian history:
- Apologetics of early Christianity
- The teaching of Christ in the 4th and 5th century (Nicaea and Arius; Ephesos, Chalzedon, and Nestorios)
- The first Crusade and anti-Jewish agitation
- The Eucharist and the marking of Jews
- Reformation, missionary struggle for Jews, Christian disappointment, and anti-Semitic preaching
- The crisis of anti-modernism
- National Socialism: Christian consent (M. Schmaus, C. Schmitt), resistance (D. Bonhoeffer), and indecision
- After 1960: turnaround, recognition of Israel, “Theology after Auschwitz”, new ways of distinctive Christendom.

Assessment and permitted materials

Oral exam (from the end of the semester till the end of the summer semester 2015)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

At the end of the lecture the students should have knowledge about
- The main stages of Christian anti-Judaism
- The connections between the development of Christian teaching and the effects on getting distinct from Judaism
- The connection between teaching and politics
- Some important Christian developments enabling the Shoa
- The importance of the Christian turnaround after 1945 and of a Christian alignment acknowledging on the one hand that Christianity stems from Jewish tradition and on the other hand that it has to accept and defend the absolute legitimacy of Judaism alongside Christianity.
- The asymmetry of justification: Christianity has its basis in Judaism, but Judaism as such does not refer to Christianity.

Examination topics

Lecture, discussions, summaries of each lecture on the platform MOODLE

Reading list

Literature for students who are working people

Brennecke Hans Christof, Art. Nicäa, Ökumenische Synoden. I. Ökumenische Synode von 325, in: TRE 24, 429-441.

Thomas Freyer, Vergessener Monotheismus. Zur gegenwärtigen Trinitätstheologie, in: Jahrbuch Politische Theologie, Bd. 4, Münster 2003, 93-106.

Hahn Frank, Das Unbegründetet nicht vergessen. Gedanken zum Antisemitismus gestern und heute, in: FrRu N.F. 20 (2013) 264-272.

Hartmann Stefan, Tödlicher Antinomismus, in: FrRu N.F. 18 (2011) 111-118.

Hauschild Wolf-Dieter, Art. Nicäno-Konstantinopolitanisches Glaubensbekenntnis, in: TRE 7, 444-456.

Pawlikowski John T., Restating the Catholic Church’s Relationship with the Jewish People. The Challenge of Super-Sessionary Theology, Lewiston-Queenston-Lampeter 2013.

Vermes Geza, Christian Beginnings. From Nazareth to Nicaea, New Haven-London 2012, 177-199 and 223-244.

Henrix Hans-Hermann, Judentum und Christentum. Gemeinschaft wider Willen. 2. Aufl., Regensburg 2008, 85-109.

Kruijf Theo C. de. u. a., Art Antisemitismus III-VIII, in: TRE 3, 122-168.

Navon Moshe, Jesu Teilnahme am jüdischen Gottesdienst. Ein jüdischer Kommentar, in: FrRu N.F. 17 (2010) 162-170.

Wickham Lionel R., Art. Chalkedon, ökumenische Synode (451), in: TRE 7, 668- 675.

Wohlmuth Josef (Hg.), Dekrete der ökumenischen Konzilien. Band 2: Konzilien des Mittelalters. Vom Ersten Laterankonzil (1123) bis zum Fünften Laterankonzil (1512-1517), Paderborn 2000, 227-223 (Einleitung und Can. 1-3); 237-239 (Can. 8); 244f (Can. 20-21); 264-271 (Can 63-[71]).

Association in the course directory

LV für Wahlmodul I oder II bzw. W10 für 011 (11W, 08W), (freies) Wahlfach für 011 (02W) und 020

Last modified: We 19.08.2020 07:54