010076 SE "God of the Poor": Philosophy of Religion from the sources of Judaism (2024W)
From Herman Cohen to Emmanuel Lévinas to Liberation Thinking of Latin America
Continuous assessment of course work
Bitte beachten Sie den studienrechtlichen Teil der Satzung und die An- und Abmeldefristen: wer angemeldet ist, aber in der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fehlt, wird abgemeldet. Ein späterer Seminarabbruch nach Ende der Abmeldefrist hat bei entsprechend fehlender Leistung eine (negative) Note zur Folge (Ausnahme: bei triftigen Gründen).
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 02.09.2024 10:00 to We 25.09.2024 10:00
- Deregistration possible until Tu 15.10.2024 23:59
max. 30 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
Zur Anmeldung: zunächst werden Sie vorgemerkt. Nach Ende der Anmeldefrist werden die Plätze vergeben - Prof. Schelkshorn bemüht sich darum, möglichst alle Interessierten aufzunehmen. Bitte kommen Sie unbedingt zur ersten Einheit / Vorbesprechung, wenn Sie am Seminar teilnehmen möchten!
- Friday 11.10. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
- Friday 25.10. 13:15 - 16:30 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
- Friday 08.11. 13:15 - 16:30 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
- Friday 22.11. 13:15 - 16:30 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
- Friday 06.12. 13:15 - 16:30 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
- Friday 13.12. 13:15 - 16:30 Seminarraum 1 (Kath) Schenkenstraße EG
- Friday 10.01. 13:15 - 16:30 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße 1.OG
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
The performance assessment refers to several partial performances: Presentation, regular attendance or active participation including homework Homework / written comments on the joint text reading for all seminar units (via Moodle), seminar paper (with reference to the discussions) after the end of the seminar by 30.4.2025 at the latest (prerequisite for a positive overall assessment).
Update 7.10.2024 according to information from the SPL: In the event of suspicion of non-transparent use of AI (e.g. through citation or indication of the type of use), the lecturer reserves the right to a “grade-relevant discussion”.
Update 7.10.2024 according to information from the SPL: In the event of suspicion of non-transparent use of AI (e.g. through citation or indication of the type of use), the lecturer reserves the right to a “grade-relevant discussion”.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Minimum requirements for positive assessment: the respective partial performances must all be completed:
Presentation, regular participation or active participation including homework Homework / written comments on the joint text reading for all seminar units (via Moodle), as well as seminar paper after the end of the seminar by 30.4.2025 at the latest (seminar paper is a mandatory prerequisite for a positive overall assessment).
2 excused absences (2 units of 90 minutes) are permitted, additional work may be required.
Students with unexcused absences in the first unit will be deregistered. If you do not deregister within the deadline or are unable to provide a credible reason for dropping out, you will be assessed negatively due to lack of performance.
Presentation, regular participation or active participation including homework Homework / written comments on the joint text reading for all seminar units (via Moodle), as well as seminar paper after the end of the seminar by 30.4.2025 at the latest (seminar paper is a mandatory prerequisite for a positive overall assessment).
2 excused absences (2 units of 90 minutes) are permitted, additional work may be required.
Students with unexcused absences in the first unit will be deregistered. If you do not deregister within the deadline or are unable to provide a credible reason for dropping out, you will be assessed negatively due to lack of performance.
Examination topics
Seminar content.
Reading list
Literature will be announced at the beginning and in the course of the semester and (mostly) made available digitally (MOODLE).Basic literature (selection):
Hermann COHEN, Die Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums, 1919
Henri BERGSON, Die beiden Quellen der Moral und Religion, 1932
Emmanuel LÉVINAS, De Dieu qui vient à l'idée, 1982.
Gustavo GUTIERREZ, Theologie der Befreiung, 1973.
Enrique DUSSEL, Hacía los origenes de Occidente. Meditaciónes semitas, 2012.
Jan ASSMANN, Exodus. Die Revolution der Alten Welt, 2015.
Hermann COHEN, Die Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums, 1919
Henri BERGSON, Die beiden Quellen der Moral und Religion, 1932
Emmanuel LÉVINAS, De Dieu qui vient à l'idée, 1982.
Gustavo GUTIERREZ, Theologie der Befreiung, 1973.
Enrique DUSSEL, Hacía los origenes de Occidente. Meditaciónes semitas, 2012.
Jan ASSMANN, Exodus. Die Revolution der Alten Welt, 2015.
Association in the course directory
für 011 (15W) FTH 17 oder FTH 26, 198 418 BA UF RK 16, 199 518 MA UF RK 02 oder RK 05, 033 195 (17W) BRP 18krp, BRP 18ktb
Last modified: Fr 28.02.2025 05:05
More recently, however, the Exodus narrative has come under fire from critics as part of the debate on "monotheism and violence" initiated by Jan Assmann.
In this seminar, the topic of "The God of the Poor" will be addressed through a reading of selected texts from prominent 20th century philosophies of religion.
Joint reading with discussion, presentations, written commentaries, seminar paper.