Universität Wien
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010078 SE Spiritual abuse and Gender (2021S)

Gender-related Reflections on Religious Seduction, Violence and Prevention

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 1 - Katholische Theologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German



The seminar is currently planned as an on-site seminar. However, if the number of registrations is higher than the room capacity, it can be organized as a hybrid course. A digital-synchronous form would be necessary if (partial) closure of university rooms or buildings should occur due to the pandemic. - If the current planning status has to be changed, students will find updated information here.
UPDATE 1/21/2021: Due to the pandemic situation, the units in March 2021 will be held digitally via Moodle (BigBlueButton).


Aims, contents and method of the course

The seminar has three parts that are crucial to the question of abuse, its analysis, and its prevention:
Spiritual abuse of power: Spiritual abuse of power is not a new phenomenon; it is as old as religion itself. In the search for God, people entrust themselves to others because they are considered especially experienced in term of religious leadership. If this difference between God and man is overlooked, spiritual abuse of power can occur, because the spiritual leader appropriates the divine power and pretends to be the voice of God. If this happens, spiritual abuse of power is at hand.
Gender reflections: Recent research has shown that misuse of power is a predominantly male-specific and male-aligned problem that is by no means based on a purely biological basis, but rather on social and cultural constructions. Hence, the harder and more aggressive the way of abuse, the higher is the proportion of male perpetrators. For this reason, research on the issue of abuse, which pervades all male-dominated power systems, cannot do without fundamental gender reflections.
Prevention: Spiritual abuse of power as an entry point to all forms of religious abuse calls for spiritual, legal, pedagogical, gender-theoretical, and theological perspectives that are suitable as prerequisites and support of abuse prevention. These reflections will be the subject of a final part of the seminar.
MAIN OBJECTS: Knowledge of central contexts that enable and can trigger religious abuse of people; knowledge of the crucial importance of gender theories for both analysis and prevention of religious abuse; knowledge of important preventive precautions in terms of the prevention of religiously motivated abuse.
- Concepts of spiritual abuse of power
- Structures of spiritual abuse of power
- Dealing with spiritual abuse of power
- Significance of gender differences in terms of abuse of power
- Sexual/gender difference – ontological difference – body theology
- Institutional comparisons regarding the spiritual-mental abuse of power
- Theology facing abuse crimes
- Religious education and prevention
METHOD: Lectures and/or presentations (20-30 min.); scientific discussions

Assessment and permitted materials

Presence of at least 75% of LV time; evaluation of lecture/presentation as well as seminar paper and cooperation. – Allowed aids: Literature that is worked on in the seminar as well as additional, independently obtained literature, as far as the writing of a seminar paper (extent of at least 25.000 characters) or a bachelor paper (extent at least 50.000 characters, if for BA Religious Education 033 195, otherwise as seminar paper) requires it.
The seminar or bachelor thesis can be written as a) a classical seminar paper in which, on the basis of relevant literature, the student's own texts and those quoted are combined to produce a result that is argumentative; b) an essay that, on the basis of relevant literature, consciously adopts critical perspectives that can include a subjective focus; c) a case history that conveys an experience narratively and interprets it with literary support, whereby the interpretation can be scientifically neutral or essayistically pointed.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Latest submission of the seminar paper on 15.9.2021 to one of the two course instructors (via e-mail).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: For a positive grade, at least 50% of a very good performance on each of the two parts relevant to the examination (lecture/presentation and seminar paper) must be achieved and noticeable cooperation must be shown
STANDARD OF EXAM: The overall grade is made up as follows: 20% collaboration, 30% presentation, 50% seminar paper. The following performance is evaluated as “very good”: The cooperation is committed and constant; the presentation is differentiated and focused, leads to and accompanies the following discussion by specific questions or topics; the seminar paper is done excellently according to the guidelines of the faculty (https://ssc-kaththeologie.univie.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/s_ktf/Dokumente/Allgemeine_Dateien/Formalia_der_schriftlichen_wissenschaftlichen_Arbeit__2._Fassung__Raphaela_Pallin_.pdf). - Grades 2-4 (minimum requirements) result from the levels of the assessment parts, unless they correspond to the "very good".

Examination topics

Presentations/lectures and seminar paper.

Reading list

Althaus Rüdiger, Geistlicher Machtmissbrauch. Kirchenrechtliche Aspekte, in:
Geist und Leben 91 (2018) 159–169.
Hallay-Witte Mary, Institutionelle Vulneranz und Vulnerabilität. Sich anvertrauen – ein ethischer Moment, in: Jagenteufel-Prüller Gunter / Treitler Wolfgang (Hg.), Verbrechen und Verantwortung. Sexueller Missbrauch von Minderjährigen in kirchlichen Einrichtungen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2021 (= Katholizismus im Umbruch, Bd. 13), 213-231.
Haslinger Josef, Mein Fall, Frankfurt am Main 2020,
Kluitmann Katharina, Was ist geistlicher Missbrauch? Grenzen, Formen, Alarmsignale, Hilfen, in: Ordenskorrespondenz 60 (2019) 184-192.
Lehner Erich, Männer als Täter? Über den Zusammenhang von Männlichkeit und Gewalt, in: Jagenteufel-Prüller Gunter / Treitler Wolfgang (Hg.), Verbrechen und Verantwortung. Sexueller Missbrauch von Minderjährigen in kirchlichen Einrichtungen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2021 (= Katholizismus im Umbruch, Bd. 13), 93-105.
Lehner-Hartmann Andrea, Schulen im Fokus: Safe space oder Orte der Angst?, in: Jagenteufel-Prüller Gunter / Treitler Wolfgang (Hg.), Verbrechen und Verantwortung. Sexueller Missbrauch von Minderjährigen in kirchlichen Einrichtungen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2021 (= Katholizismus im Umbruch, Bd. 13), 195-212.
Mertes Klaus, Geistlicher Machtmissbrauch, in: Geist und Leben 90 (2017) 249–259.
Miller Damian, Die Heiligkeit von Institutionen und Personenkult – die Causa Odenwaldschule, in: Jagenteufel-Prüller Gunter / Treitler Wolfgang (Hg.), Verbrechen und Verantwortung. Sexueller Missbrauch von Minderjährigen in kirchlichen Einrichtungen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2021 (= Katholizismus im Umbruch, Bd. 13), 70-02.
Müller Wunibald, Was müssen Kirche und Seelsorge für die Überlebenden sexuellen Mißbrauchs tun?, in: Rossetti Stephan J. / Müller Wunibald (Hg.), „Auch Gott hat mich nicht beschützt“, 119-146.
Puzicha Michaela, Gegen Machtmissbrauch. Das Zeugnis der Benediktusregel, in:
Geist und Leben 91 (2018) 379–389.
Keul Hildegard, Vulnerable Kinder, vulnerante Kirche. Dem Horror von Missbrauch und Vertuschung nicht ausweichen, in: Remenyi Matthias / Schärtl Thomas (Hg.), Nicht ausweichen. Theologie angesichts der Missbrauchskrise, Regensburg 2019, 216-229.
Schwermer Marion, Erfahrenes Unheil ins Wort bringen, in: Dienberg Thomas (Hg.), „Geh deinen Weg vor mir …“ (Gen 17,1). Geistliche Begleitung und Wegbegleitung. Münster 2020, 197-215.
Treitler Wolfgang, Von der Kirchenkrise in die Gotteskrise, in: Jagenteufel-Prüller Gunter / Treitler Wolfgang (Hg.), Verbrechen und Verantwortung. Sexueller Missbrauch von Minderjährigen in kirchlichen Einrichtungen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2021 (= Katholizismus im Umbruch, Bd. 13), 127-143.
Wagner Doris, Spiritueller Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche. Freiburg i. Br. 2019.
Wolf Hubert, Macht-Missbrauch im Männerbund. Zur Geschichte der vielleicht tiefsten Krise der katholischen Kirche, in: Jagenteufel-Prüller Gunter / Treitler Wolfgang (Hg.), Verbrechen und Verantwortung. Sexueller Missbrauch von Minderjährigen in kirchlichen Einrichtungen, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2021 (= Katholizismus im Umbruch, Bd. 13), 21-44.
Zollner Hans, Prävention wirkt, in: Herder Korrespondenz 73/2 (2019) 15–19.

Association in the course directory

für 011 (15W) FTH 17 oder FTH 26, 198 418 BA UF RK 16, 199 518 MA UF RK 02 oder RK 05, 033 195 (17W) BRP 18krp, BRP 18ktb,
gilt als Frauen-, Männer- und Geschlechterforschung, auslaufende Studienpläne: für 011 (11W) D31 oder DAM

Last modified: We 16.06.2021 10:27