Universität Wien
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010109 SE What is human ? (2022S)

On the relationship between anthropology and ethics as reflected in interdisciplinary approaches

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 1 - Katholische Theologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: English



- Monday, 27.06.2022: 11:30-13:00 and 15:00-18:15 Sitzungssaal (Meeting room), im Dekanat (Dean's office) of the Catholic-Theological Faculty, University main building (staircase 8, 2nd floor)
- Tuesday, 28.06.2022: 9:30-13:00 meeting room, dean's office of the Catholic Theological Faculty, University Main Building (staircase 8, 2. Stock); 15.00-18.15_Seminarraum 7, Tiefparterre university main building (Stiege 9, Hof 5)
- Wednesday, 29.06.2022: Excursion (7.00-17.00)
- Thursday 30.06.2022: 13.15-18.15 Seminarraum 5 (Kath) Schenkenstraße EG


Aims, contents and method of the course

The seminar will explore different approaches to the topic of sustainability. It starts with the theoretical background of the concept, offer the opportunity of some experience in the field, reflect on the way in which personal attitudes can be shaped and discuss the role of theology and philosophy with regard to sustainability in the ecological field.
Methods will vary from input by experts, study of texts, discussion of a film, excursion and student presentations as well as general discussion.
The seminar will take place in English. In case the knowledge of German of the participating students allows for it, a bilingual approach (German and English) can be applied.
The seminar is open to students from the CEEPUS bioethics exchange program.
June 27: Introduction
June 28: The role of academic reflection: Interdisciplinary contributions to sustainability
June 29: The role of experience: Field Excursion to the National Park "Neusiedler See"
June 30: The role of personal attitudes: the contribution of religion and NGOs (student presentations), and final discussion.

Assessment and permitted materials

Required during the seminar, in addition to active participation, is a short presentation as part of a group work and a written seminar paper.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Regular attendance (10%), short presentation (30%), written seminar paper (60%).

Examination topics

- regular and active participation (please excuse yourself via e-mail from participation)
- oral paper should present key points and stimulate discussion
- in the context of a seminar paper, a sub-topic from the context of the seminar is to be written with reference to relevant secondary literature in the scope of 10 pages (not including title page, table of contents and bibliography) or an overall reflection on the seminar topic based on literature of the same length.

Reading list

Bergmann, Sigurd (Hg.) (2010): Religion and dangerous environmental change. Transdisciplinary perspectives on the ethics of climate and sustainability. Berlin, Münster: Lit (Studies in religion and the environment, Vol. 2).
Coleman, John A. (2009): Globalization and sustainability. Catholic resources and responses. In: Origins 38 (37), S. 589–595.
Deutscher Bundestag (1998): The concept of sustainability. Form vision to reality ; final report submitted by the 13. German Bundestag's Enqete Commission on the "Protection of Humanity and the Environment: Objectives and General Conditions of Sustainable Development". In: Zur Sache 98,4.
Fetko, Michael (2018): Das Prinzip Nachhaltigkeit in der Diskussion der katholischen Sozialethik. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin (Sozialethische Studien, Band 2).
Granberg-Michaelson, Wesley (1991): An ethics for sustainability. In: The ecumenical review 43, S. 120–130.
Hey, Christian; Schleicher-Tappeser, Ruggero (1998): Nachhaltigkeit trotz Globalisierung. Handlungsspielräume auf regionaler, nationaler und europäischer Ebene. Berlin: Springer (Konzept Nachhaltigkeit).
Kroek, Thomas (2020): Sustainability. Reconciliation with Creation, Global Neighbours and Future Generations. In: Tobias Faix, Johannes Reimer und Cobus van Wyngaard (Hg.): Reconciliation. Christian perspectives - interdisciplinary approaches. Wien, Zürich: Lit (Interdisziplinäre und theologische Studien, Band 3), S. 195–214.
Pfister, Thomas (2016): Sustainability. Unter Mitarbeit von Martin Schweighofer und Andreas Reichel. London, New York: Routledge (Key ideas). Online verfügbar unter http://www.tandfebooks.com/isbn/9781315882888.
Portney, Kent E. (Hg.) (2015): Sustainability. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press (MIT Press essential knowledge series). Online verfügbar unter https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/kxp/detail.action?docID=4397950.
Vogt, Markus; Weber, Christoph (2019): Current challenges to the concept of sustainability. In: Glob. Sustain. 2. DOI: 10.1017/sus.2019.1.

Association in the course directory

für 011 (15W) FTH 17 oder FTH 26, 198 418 BA UF RK 16, 199 518 MA UF RK 02 oder RK 05, 033 195 (17W) BRP 18krp, BRP 18ktb

Last modified: We 18.05.2022 20:27