Universität Wien
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010110 VO Introduction in Theology I (2011W)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 1 - Katholische Theologie


Language: German

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Monday 03.10. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 10.10. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 17.10. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 24.10. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 31.10. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 07.11. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 14.11. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 21.11. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 28.11. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)
  • Monday 05.12. 08:15 - 11:00 (ehem. Hörsaal 47 Hauptgebäude, 2.Stock, Stiege 8)


Aims, contents and method of the course

This series of lectures has ten units:
1st unit: Topic and challenge of theology.
2nd and 3rd unit: Realtion between Judaism and Chrstianity as a central nota of Christia self-reflection; Christianity has no relevance and no meaning without or beyond its relation to the biblical Israel and the present Israel.
4th unit: Some remarkable Christian synodes that gave theology some of its most important impacts.
5th and 6th unit: Important philosophers and theologians in Christian history.
7th, 8th, and 9th unit: God's revelation as a central topic of systematic theology: its meaning (esp. within the Biblical tradition), prophets' and Jesus' concern on it, eternal covenant.
10th unit: Theology and modern society - antogonism or coherence?

Assessment and permitted materials

Written exam

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Students should
- know what it means to think theologically and how theology as a rational science works within Christianity as well as related to non-religious issues;
- be able to find out what can lead theology to an anti-Jewish attitude and to avoid any kind of thinking that leads to them to this attitude;
- realize by an overview of the development of Christian thinking and teaching that Christian theory was and is always part of history and its changes;
- come to know that God's revelation is reflecting itself in a long series of experiences that have been transmitted by important witnesses;
- understand what it means for Christian theology that God's covenant with Israel has never been broken up.

Examination topics

Lecture including the chance of questions and discussion; e-learning (moodle).

Reading list

Pflichtliteratur, begleitend zur Vorlesung:
W. Treitler, Auf Wanderschaft. Betrachtungen zum biblischen Glauben. 4. Auflage, Perchtoldsdorf 2010.

Prüfungsrelevante Ersatzlektüre:
Ch. Cohn, Der Prozeß und Tod Jesu aus jüdischer Sicht. Aus dem Englischen von Christian Wiese und Hannah Liron, Frankfurt/Main 2001, 140-199.
J. B. Metz, Mystik er offenen Augen. Wenn Spiritualität aufbricht, Freiburg-Basel-Wien 2011.
W. Treitler, Auf Wanderschaft. Betrachtungen zum biblischen Glauben. 4. Auflage, Perchtoldsdorf 2010.
K. Wengst, Israel und wir. Eine theologische Perspektive, in: FrRu N.F. 17 (2010) 128-131.

Association in the course directory

Teil der STEOP für 011 (11W), 033 193 (11W) und 020 (11W), Pflichtfach für 011 (08W) D1und 033 193 (08W) B1, Pflichtfach für 011 (02W), 012 (02W) und 020 (02W)

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:27