Universität Wien

020014 VO-L STEOP: Introduction to Biblical Studies (Old Testament and New Testament) (2013W)

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 2 - Evangelische Theologie

MO wtl. 07.10.2013 bis 18.11.2013 08.30-12.00 Ort: Hörsaal 1
2 Langtermine: MO 14.10.2013 08.30-14.00 Ort: Hörsaal 1 und MO 11.11.2013 08.30-14.00 Ort: Hörsaal 1 Schenkenstraße 8-10 5.OG



Aims, contents and method of the course

Introduction into Biblical Literature which means learning about the contents (by detailed examples), the structure und theological pecularities of the Biblical Scriptures.

Assessment and permitted materials

Multiple-Choice-Tests (partial examinations)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Knowledge of the Biblical Tradition and the structure of the Books of the Old and New Testament

Examination topics

Lecture, indepent homeworks.

Reading list

Pflichtlektüre: L. Bormann, Bibelkunde. Altes und Neues Testament, UTB Basics 2674, Göttingen 2011 (4. Auflage) - Ältere Auflagen auch möglich

Association in the course directory

Pflicht-LV für das EC

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:27