030457 SE Resent judicature of the Constitutional Court of Austria and the Administrative Court of Austria (2013S)
for graduate and postgraduate students
Continuous assessment of course work
3. und 4.6.2013, 9.00-17.00, im Dachgeschoß des Juridicumsmaximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20
3. und 4.6.2013, 9.00-17.00, im Dachgeschoß des Juridicumsmaximale Teilnehmerzahl: 20
max. 20 participants
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Wednesday 13.03. 17:00 - 18:30 Seminarraum SEM64 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum 6.OG (Kickoff Class)
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Th 31.03.2022 00:15