Universität Wien
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030503 SE Transnational Organised Crime: Trafficking in cultural artefacts (joint int'l classroom) Part 1 of 2 (2024W)

seminar for diploma and doctoral students

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work

Teilnahme am nachfolgenden Seminar im SoSe 2025 ist Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme im WiSe 2024. Interessent*innen werden gebeten sich online über u:Space anzumelden. Weitere Informationen zum Seminar, einschließlich Benotungsmethode und Themenvorschläge werden dann per E-Mail an die Interessent*innen versendet. Gegenfalls wird dabei um weitere Bewerbungsunterlagen gebeten.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 10 participants
Language: German, English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

In addition to the classes between October and January: 10-14 February 2025, daily 10am-3:30pm, University of Ferrara, Dipartmento di Giurisprudenza, Sala Carlassare, Corso Ercole I de l’Este 37, Ferrara

  • Thursday 07.11. 13:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum SEM64 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum 6.OG
  • Wednesday 04.12. 13:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum SEM31 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, 3.OG
  • Monday 13.01. 08:30 - 11:30 Hörsaal U13 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1


Aims, contents and method of the course

This course, which is offered in conjunction with the Universities of Zurich, Queensland, Cologne, and Ferrara and extends over two semesters, explores selected topics relating to transnational organised crime.
In 2024-2025 the focus is on Organised Crime and Trafficking in Cultural Artefacts and Antiquities. The course is designed for students to conduct independent, guided research in an international context and to equip students with advanced research, communication, presentation, and writing skills, specifically in this field of study.
The seminar comprises 8 ECTS: Part I (Winter 2024, 4 ECTS) involves the research and project presentation; part 2 (Summer 2025, ECTS) involves the written research paper.
For further information visit www.toc.jura.uni-koeln.de
This course is not open to exchange students at the University of Vienna.
University of Vienna students will receive a subsidy for travel to Ferrara for the main teaching days.

Assessment and permitted materials

Assessment in this course includes the presentation of research findings (Winter 2024), submission of a research paper (Summer 2025), as well as participation and contribution during the main teaching days.
Attendance of all sessions (online and in person) is mandatory. Students may only withdraw from the course until 14 October 2024.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Grading criteria are set out in the full course outline and will be explained to students during the teaching days. The course outline will be emailed to applicants in September/October 2024.

Examination topics

Students participating in this course can choose their research topic from a list of topics set out in the full syllabus. This list includes a range topics that examine criminological, international and domestic substantive law and procedural aspects. Students are required to present their research findings in class during the course days in February 2024 and submit a written, fully referenced research paper in early May 2024.
The 2024–2025 Transnational Organise Crime programme broadly explores the trafficking in cultural artefacts and antiquities and the involvement of criminal organisations in this crime type. This includes the origins, transit, points of trafficked artefacts and antiquities, the patterns and people involved in this crime type, the laundering and confiscation of proceeds, international and national legal frameworks and other measure to prevent and suppress such trafficking, as well as questions about restitution. The list of available research topic will be made available to students in September/October 2024.

Reading list

Selected literature along with other learning and research tools will be made available on the moodle learning platform.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 28.08.2024 09:05