Universität Wien

030516 KU International Organisations (2022W)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 3 - Rechtswissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 56 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Thursday 13.10. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 20.10. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 27.10. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 03.11. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 10.11. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 17.11. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 24.11. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 01.12. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 15.12. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 12.01. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1
  • Thursday 19.01. 09:00 - 10:30 Hörsaal U14 Schottenbastei 10-16, Juridicum, KG1


Aims, contents and method of the course

The proliferation of international (or intergovernmental) organizations is an indicator of the internationalization of social life and the interdependence of states in the early 21st century. This course will examine the principal legal issues concerning international organizations. These include the legal status and powers of organizations, issues of membership and participation, norm-creation, dispute settlement, the enforcement of decisions, peace and security activities, and finally the organizations’ privileges and immunities as well as their legal status and powers under domestic law.

At the same time, the course will also address such real world issues as the creation of international criminal courts, the “succession” of Russia to the USSR’s seat on the UN Security Council, the response to the break-up of Yugoslavia, the jurisdictional issues in the Lockerbie-case, the possibility of judicial review of acts of the UN Security Council, targeted sanctions, the success of and current threat to WTO dispute settlement, NATO action against Serbia in 1999 and against Libya in 2011, the military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11, UN administration of Kosovo and East Timor, successes and failures of peacekeeping efforts, etc.

Primary consideration will be given to the development of the United Nations. Other universal organizations such as the ILO, the Bretton Woods institutions, the WTO or the ICAO, as well as regional ones such as the Council of Europe, the EU, and others will also be dealt with. This course does not try to provide a comprehensive picture of all of these organizations. Rather, it aims at helping students understand the common legal problems raised by international organizations.

Assessment and permitted materials

This course will be taught in weekly class session (and if required virtually via moodle with audio podcasts) accompanying and explaining the slides prepared by the lecturer for each topic. It will be based on student preparation of the course’s reading materials as indicated in this syllabus. The course program is structured in the form of review questions based on these course materials. Students are supposed to prepare them in order to participate in class.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

There will be a 2-hour written final examination on 19 January 2023

Examination topics

1. Class participation will be worth 20% of the final grade.
2. The final exam will make up 80% of the final grade.

Reading list

Jan Klabbers, An Introduction to International Organizations Law. Cambridge (CUP, 4th ed., 2022) (=Klabbers).

Detailed Syllabus will be available on Moodle.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 15.12.2022 16:08