030737 KU Case studies: Mergers & Acquisitions (2010W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Anmeldung bitte unter: http://zivilrecht.univie.ac.at/lehrveranstaltungen/ws-10/sonstige-lehrveranstaltungen/#c219383Diese LV ist für die WFK "Internat. Legal Practice and Language" und "Unternehmensrecht" anrechenbar.VB: 12.10.2010,, Kanzlei Wolf TheissTermine: jeweils 18.00-20.00 Uhr
19.10.2010, Sem 44
9.11.2010, findet in der Kanzlei Wolf Theiss statt
16.11.2010, Sem 42
23.11.2010, findet in der Kanzlein Wolf Theiss statt
30.11.2010, Sem 44
14.12.2010, findet in der Kanzlei Wolf Theiss statt
11.1.2011, Sem 42
18.1.2011, findet in der Kanzlei Wolf Theiss statt
19.10.2010, Sem 44
9.11.2010, findet in der Kanzlei Wolf Theiss statt
16.11.2010, Sem 42
23.11.2010, findet in der Kanzlein Wolf Theiss statt
30.11.2010, Sem 44
14.12.2010, findet in der Kanzlei Wolf Theiss statt
11.1.2011, Sem 42
18.1.2011, findet in der Kanzlei Wolf Theiss statt
Language: English
Currently no class schedule is known.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Introduction to the core topics relevant to an international M&A transaction, with a particular focus on corporate, civil, banking, employment, intellectual property, tax, regulatory and competition laws.
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
To provide a basic understanding of major aspects of structuring, negotiating, documenting and implementing an international M&A transaction. The lecture will be structured as a discussion of actual M&A transactions in which the individual presenters have been personally involved.
Examination topics
Lecture and interactive case studies which simulate a real M&A transaction.
Reading list
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:47