Universität Wien

040022 SE Recent developments in eBusiness and eLogistics (MA) (2022S)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 4 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work



Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Registration information is available for each group.


Group 1

max. 24 participants
Language: German, English
LMS: Moodle


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Wednesday 02.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Digital
  • Wednesday 30.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Digital
  • Wednesday 25.05. 09:45 - 14:45 Digital
  • Wednesday 29.06. 09:45 - 14:45 Digital

Aims, contents and method of the course

This course aims at enabling participants to develop skills necessary to write a scientific paper in the field of e-business. This includes gaining expertise about current topics in e-business as well as the ability to conduct required steps such as a literature review, choosing appropriate structure and layout and citing scientific references correctly. Participants in this class will write a seminar paper on a topic in e-business. Topics for this paper may included a variety of issues in the broader field of e-business such as electronic commerce, platform businesses, eLogistics, creative industries, service science, eMarketing, gaming and collaboration etc.

Assessment and permitted materials

Seminar Paper + Exposé + Presentation. All papers will be checked for plagiarism with the program Turnitin. The agreement with this procedure is a requirement for the participation in this class.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Requirements to successfully complete the class: at least 50% from the following three different types of required work: Seminar Paper, exposé and presentation.

Group 2

max. 24 participants
Language: English
LMS: Moodle


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Monday 21.03. 09:45 - 11:15 Digital
  • Monday 28.03. 09:45 - 11:15 Digital
  • Monday 09.05. 09:45 - 16:30 Digital
  • Monday 23.05. 09:45 - 14:45 Digital
  • Monday 27.06. 09:45 - 13:00 Digital

Aims, contents and method of the course

The goal of the class is to teach participants the skills necessary to write a scientific paper in the field of e-business. This includes gaining expertise about current topics in e-business as well as the ability to conduct required steps such as a literature review, choosing appropriate structure and layout and citing scientific references correctly. Participants in this class will write a seminar paper on a topic in e-business. Topics for this paper can included a variety of issues in the broader field of e-business such as electronic commerce, platform businesses, eLogistics, creative industries, service science, eMarketing, gaming and collaboration etc.

Assessment and permitted materials

Seminar Paper + Exposé + Presentation. All papers will be checked for plagiarism with the program Turnitin. The agreement with this procedure is a requirement for the participation in this class.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Requirements to successfully complete the class: at least 50% from the following three different types of required work: Seminar Paper (max. 45%), Exposé (max. 45%), Presentation (max. 10%)

Group 3

max. 24 participants
Language: English
LMS: Moodle


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Tuesday 22.03. 09:45 - 11:15 Digital
  • Tuesday 29.03. 09:45 - 11:15 Digital
  • Tuesday 10.05. 09:45 - 16:30 Digital
  • Tuesday 24.05. 09:45 - 14:45 Digital
  • Tuesday 28.06. 09:45 - 13:00 Digital

Aims, contents and method of the course

The goal of the class is to teach participants the skills necessary to write a scientific paper in the field of e-business. This includes gaining expertise about current topics in e-business as well as the ability to conduct required steps such as a literature review, choosing appropriate structure and layout and citing scientific references correctly. Participants in this class will write a seminar paper on a topic in e-business. Topics for this paper can included a variety of issues in the broader field of e-business such as electronic commerce, platform businesses, eLogistics, creative industries, service science, eMarketing, gaming and collaboration etc.

Assessment and permitted materials

Seminar Paper + Exposé + Presentation. All papers will be checked for plagiarism with the program Turnitin. The agreement with this procedure is a requirement for the participation in this class.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Requirements to successfully complete the class: at least 50% from the following three different types of required work: Seminar Paper (max. 45%), Exposé (max. 45%), Presentation (max. 10%)


Examination topics

Seminar Paper and class-related content

Reading list

topic specific literature and introductory eServices literature

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 11.05.2023 11:26