Universität Wien

040033 VO Economic Analysis of Law (2019W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 4 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Am Freitag, 24.1.2020 von 9:30 - 11 Uhr findet im SEM 44, im Juridicum, Schottenbastei 10-16, 4. OG ein Test statt!!

Sie ist anrechenbar auf die Wahlfächer Legal Practice and Language (elective C) und auch für Finanzwissenschaften (vertiefend).


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: English

Examination dates



Online registration via U:Find and sekretariat.lewisch@univie.ac.at


Aims, contents and method of the course

The lecture provides an introduction to the methodology and major applications of the „economic analysis of law“. Fields are tort, contract, conflict resolution and criminal law. Applying microeconomic theory and welfare economics in particular, the focus is on the decisions and actions of individuals, who are made subject to rules, thus contrasting from a more conventional view, where the constraints are typically sources of scarcity. It is investigated, what makes a rule (a law) effective, why rules miss the accomplished effects and how their effectiveness can be improved.
If you want to get "law and economics" credited as elective subject, it is recommended to take also the Proseminar to get 4 ECTS Points.

Assessment and permitted materials

Grading: Students will answer two out of four questions in a take-home-exam and submit a question regarding an actual legal probelm, of which they learn from the media during the lecture. Maximum score is 30 points, 20 for the exam, 10 for the question. Minimum requirement is 50%.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Requirements are a basic understanding of economics , oft he esssential nature of the law and legal systems.
The aim oft he lecture is to enable students , to criitically examine social norms and legal acts in particular with respect to effciency, effectiveness and contribution to overall social welfare.

Examination topics

The lecture is supported by slides. Theoretical problems are illustrated by applications in ordert o demonstrate the capacity oft he theory for solving actual practical problems

Reading list

Wolfgang Weigel, Economic Analysis of Law, Rothledge 2008
Nicholas Georgaskopoulos, Principles and Methods of Law and Economics, Cambridge University Press 2005

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 19.08.2020 07:47