Universität Wien

040172 KU Modern Chinese 1b (2020S)

für WiWi Studierende

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 4 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 30 participants
Language: Chinese



immer Montag, 11:45-13:15 Uhr, Seminarraum Sinologie 2 UniCampus Hof 2 2F-O1-18


Aims, contents and method of the course

This course will focus on the everyday use of Chinese in 1b level, especially for students with economic background. You will learn the basic expressions when you are at restaurants, airport, train station, bank, hotel, post office and hospital.
On Moodle-Platform you will find the learning material one week before the course starts.

Assessment and permitted materials

Due to the corona virus and the situation of Home-learning, the evaluation of this course will be changed:

1. Attendance rate: 10% (based on if you send me the homework that I asked)

2. Dictation: 10% (on 8th June there will be a dictation of characters from Lesson 11-18. The score will be based on that. However, you still need to turn in other dictations during the whole semester. If you do not send me the other dictations, each time you will lose 1% the score.)

3. in-class tests: 40% (we will have two small tests after Eastern Holiday, the first one on 4th May, the second one on 8th June) You will recieve an exam paper, with which you have 60 minutes time to finish. The paper will be sent to you via Email (three different papers: A.B.C). After 60 minutes, you have to send the paper back to me via Email.

4. Final test: It will be held in the university, but I am still not sure in which classroom. We need to make sure that the classroom is large enough for you, so that you wont be infected by anyone in the classroom. (You will recieve an further Email for the date and place. It is possible that we will hold the exam during summer.)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Due to the corona virus and the situation of Home-learning, the evaluation of this course will be changed:

1. Attendance rate: 10% (based on if you send me the homework that I asked)

2. Dictation: 10% (on 8th June there will be a dictation of characters from Lesson 11-18. The score will be based on that. However, you still need to turn in other dictations during the whole semester. If you do not send me the other dictations, each time you will lose 1% the score.)

3. in-class tests: 40% (we will have two small tests after Eastern Holiday, the first one on 4th May, the second one on 8th June) You will recieve an exam paper, with which you have 60 minutes time to finish. The paper will be sent to you via Email (three different papers: A.B.C). After 60 minutes, you have to send the paper back to me via Email.

4. Final test: It will be held in the university, but I am still not sure in which classroom. We need to make sure that the classroom is large enough for you, so that you wont be infected by anyone in the classroom. (You will recieve an further Email for the date and place. It is possible that we will hold the exam during summer.)

Examination topics

Practical Chinese Lesson 11-20

Reading list

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 24.04.2020 16:27