Universität Wien
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040207 SE Bachelor Seminar (incl. Bachelor´s Paper) (2022S)

8.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 4 - Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 24 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Prerequisites and Requirements
• Register via u:find.
• Have completed “VO Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten”.
• Attendance in first session is mandatory. Absence will result in deregistration.
• Attendance is in general compulsory (“prüfungsimmanent”), more than three absences (one absence = one course unit = 45 minutes) lead to failing the course. Failing the course requires retaking the whole course, individual aspects of the performance (e.g., Presentation 1) cannot be repeated.
• A camera and microphone to participate because the course takes place online.
• Every group member is expected to present at both presentations of their group.
• This course uses the software Turnitin to check written work for plagiarism, consent is a requirement for taking this course.
• Language of instruction: English.

  • Wednesday 02.03. 16:45 - 19:45 Digital
  • Wednesday 09.03. 16:45 - 18:15 Digital
  • Saturday 09.04. 09:45 - 16:30 Digital
  • Wednesday 27.04. 16:45 - 18:15 Digital
  • Saturday 11.06. 09:45 - 16:30 Digital


Aims, contents and method of the course

In this seminar students are expected to complete a bachelor’s thesis. In the course students develop essential skills related to the project, e.g., literature search and review, theory development and deriving a research question, analysis and interpretation of empirical data, presenting the findings, and writing of the thesis.

The seminar focuses on narratives in a marketing context. We use narratives (also known as stories) to communicate and convey our experiences. A narrative lens has been applied to various areas in marketing, e.g., ranging from advertising over entertainment (e.g., product placements in series) to storytelling by consumers (e.g., consumption experiences). The bachelor’s thesis is expected to revolve around a topic in the area of narratives in marketing (students can propose a topic or choose a topic suggested by the instructor). The thesis project includes theory development, empirical data collection, analysis, and deriving implications for theory and industry practitioners.

Students will work in groups on their thesis projects. Students will receive feedback on their presentations from the instructor and their peers. The course applies different settings (e.g., lecture, workshop) to support students in their learning and development of the project.

Assessment and permitted materials

Evaluation criteria of the seminar are as follows:
Presentation 1 (theory and research questions): 20%
Presentation 2 (empirical analysis and results): 20%
Written bachelor’s thesis: 60%

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The final grade is determined as follows:
≥ 80%: 1
≥ 70%: 2
≥ 60%: 3

Each member of the group is expected to be involved in all stages of the project (e.g., theory development, data collection, analysis). Students will be graded as a group (i.e., same grade for all members of a group), individual grading is only applied to an evaluation criterion when student performance diverges substantially, for example, during the presentation.
≥ 50%: 4
< 50%: 5 (fail)

Examination topics

Students develop their academic skills actively and will be introduced to narrative literature relevant to the field of marketing. This covers foundations of narrative processing, different narrative persuasion models, influential research papers in the field, and examples of quantitative and qualitative empirical work (a sample of the literature list is provided under the heading literature). Students are expected to gain further in-depth knowledge of the topical and methodological literature relevant for their thesis. In addition to the topical content guidelines on developing a research paper and writing a thesis will be reviewed and discussed.

Reading list

(1) Students should develop their theory primarily based on articles published in academic journals. Literature suggestions will be provided in the course. Databases with such articles can be accessed, for example, through the library website of the University of Vienna.

(2) Methodological literature will be suggested in the course.
More information you can find here: https://marketing.univie.ac.at/studium/bachelor/lvs-im-sommersemester/

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 11.05.2023 11:27