Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.
052500 VU Distributed Systems Engineering (2018S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 12.02.2018 09:00 to Tu 20.02.2018 23:59
- Deregistration possible until Su 18.03.2018 23:59
Registration information is available for each group.
Group 1
max. 50 participants
Language: English
LMS: Moodle
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Tuesday 06.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 13.03. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 13.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Saturday 17.03. 13:15 - 14:45 Auditorium Maximum Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude Stiege 10
- Tuesday 20.03. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 20.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 10.04. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 10.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 17.04. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 17.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 24.04. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 24.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 08.05. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 08.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Saturday 12.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Auditorium Maximum Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude Stiege 10
- Tuesday 15.05. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 15.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 29.05. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 29.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 05.06. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 05.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 12.06. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 12.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Tuesday 19.06. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 19.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Saturday 23.06. 13:15 - 14:45 Auditorium Maximum Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude Stiege 10
- Tuesday 26.06. 09:45 - 11:15 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 26.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
Assessment and permitted materials
Grading is based an introductory exam (6 points), on two written exams (in total 50 points), and practical project exercise carried out in work groups over the course of the semester (in total 40 points). Furthermore, there will be feedback rounds (in total 4 points) over the course of the semester and the possibility to achieve bonus points for extra accomplishments.
Group 2
max. 50 participants
Language: English
LMS: Moodle
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Tuesday 06.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 07.03. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 13.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 14.03. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Saturday 17.03. 13:15 - 14:45 Auditorium Maximum Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude Stiege 10
- Tuesday 20.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 21.03. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 10.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 11.04. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 17.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 18.04. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 24.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 25.04. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Wednesday 02.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 08.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 09.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Saturday 12.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Auditorium Maximum Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude Stiege 10
- Tuesday 15.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 16.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Wednesday 23.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 29.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 30.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 05.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 06.06. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 12.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 13.06. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Tuesday 19.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 20.06. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
- Saturday 23.06. 13:15 - 14:45 Auditorium Maximum Tiefparterre Hauptgebäude Stiege 10
- Tuesday 26.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal 1, Währinger Straße 29 1.UG
- Wednesday 27.06. 13:15 - 14:45 Seminarraum 7, Währinger Straße 29 1.OG
Assessment and permitted materials
Grading is based an introductory exam (6 points), on two written exams (in total 50 points),
and practical project exercise carried out in work groups over the course of the semester
(in total 40 points). Furthermore, there will be feedback rounds (in total 4 points)
over the course of the semester and the possibility to achieve bonus points for extra accomplishments.
and practical project exercise carried out in work groups over the course of the semester
(in total 40 points). Furthermore, there will be feedback rounds (in total 4 points)
over the course of the semester and the possibility to achieve bonus points for extra accomplishments.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Details and lecture materials for the course can be found in the teaching platform. Please register via https://moodle.univie.ac.at/. If you have any questions, please use: dse [AT] swa.univie.ac.at.The topics of the lecture are foundational distributed IS technologies such as distributed system design, development with sockets, concurrency, remote objects, services, REST, service-oriented architectures (SOA), messaging und enterprise application integration (EAI).
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
To pass the course, at least 33% of the possible 50 points for the written exams must be reached.
To pass the course, at least 33% of the possible 40 points for the practical part must be reached.
To pass the course, at least 50% of the possible 100 points must be reached.>= 89% Sehr Gut (1)
>= 76% Gut (2)
>= 63% Befriedigend (3)
>= 50% Genügend (4)
< 50% Nicht Genügend (5)
To pass the course, at least 33% of the possible 40 points for the practical part must be reached.
To pass the course, at least 50% of the possible 100 points must be reached.>= 89% Sehr Gut (1)
>= 76% Gut (2)
>= 63% Befriedigend (3)
>= 50% Genügend (4)
< 50% Nicht Genügend (5)
Examination topics
Lecture slides and the accompanying course material. Theoretical and practical assignments.
Reading list
Lecture slides and the accompanying course material.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:30