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060032 SE Images of Antisemitism (2020W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Tu 01.09.2020 08:00 to Mo 28.09.2020 08:00
- Deregistration possible until Sa 31.10.2020 23:59
Language: German
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
This class is taught online by way of video-conferences. As software, I use Blackboard Collaborate. Access is easy via Moodle. Participation in each session remains mandatory.
Some sessions of this class will take place in plenary while others are used for supervised meetings discussing the project work of small groups of not more than 7 seven students.
- Wednesday 07.10. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 14.10. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 21.10. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 28.10. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 04.11. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 11.11. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 18.11. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 25.11. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 16.12. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 13.01. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 20.01. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
- Wednesday 27.01. 18:00 - 20:00 Digital
Aims, contents and method of the course
Images were and are one of the main transmittors of Jew hatred. This seminar class will analyze antisemitic images in the context of the ideological history of antisemitism. It will further ask, to which extent antisemitic images contributed and contribute to the spread of Jew hatred. Ideally students should attend my lecture class "The Ideology of Jew-hatred" as well.
Assessment and permitted materials
Written and oral presentation of a research project and two small essays of one and four pages, respectively
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Regular participation, and writing of two essays as well as a research project that is presended both orally and in writing.
Students that argue in favor or antisemitic ideas will fail this class.
Students that argue in favor or antisemitic ideas will fail this class.
Examination topics
Students should demonstrate the ability to analyze antisemitic images in the context of the (ideological) history of antisemitism
Reading list
Eduard Fuchs, Die Juden in der Karikatur: Ein Beitrag zur Kulturgeschichte: Mit 307 Textillustrationen und 31 schwarzen und farbigen Beilagen (Berlin: Verlag Klaus Guhl, 1985; Nachdruck der Ausgabe München: Albert Langen, 1921)
Debra Higgs Strickland, Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003).
Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien (ed.), Die Macht der Bilder: Antisemitische Vorurteile und Mythen (Wien: Picus Verlag, 1995)
Joel Kotek, Cartoons and Extremism: Israel and the Jews in Ara band Western Media (trans. Alisa Jaffa; Edgware: Vallentine Mitchell, 2008)
Sara Lipton, Dark Mirror: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish Iconography (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2014)
Ralf Palandt (ed.), Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus in Comics (Berlin: Archiv der Jugendkulturen Verlag, 2011)
Heinz Schreckenberg, Die Juden in der Kunst Europas: Ein historischer Bildatlas (Göttingen:Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, 1996)
Heinz Schreckenberg, Christliche Adversus-Judaeos-Bilder: Das Alte und Neue Testment im Spiegel der christlichen Kunst (Europäische Hochschulschriften 3.650; Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1999)
Johannes Valentin, Antisemitische Karikaturen und Cartoons: Fremdbilder-Selbstbilder (Hohenems: Jüdisches Museum, 2005).
Rose-Carol Washton Long, Matthew Baigell, Milly Heyd (eds.), Jewish Dimensions in Modern Visual Culture (Waltham: Brandeis University Press, 2010)
Debra Higgs Strickland, Saracens, Demons, and Jews: Making Monsters in Medieval Art (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003).
Jüdisches Museum der Stadt Wien (ed.), Die Macht der Bilder: Antisemitische Vorurteile und Mythen (Wien: Picus Verlag, 1995)
Joel Kotek, Cartoons and Extremism: Israel and the Jews in Ara band Western Media (trans. Alisa Jaffa; Edgware: Vallentine Mitchell, 2008)
Sara Lipton, Dark Mirror: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish Iconography (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2014)
Ralf Palandt (ed.), Rechtsextremismus, Rassismus und Antisemitismus in Comics (Berlin: Archiv der Jugendkulturen Verlag, 2011)
Heinz Schreckenberg, Die Juden in der Kunst Europas: Ein historischer Bildatlas (Göttingen:Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, 1996)
Heinz Schreckenberg, Christliche Adversus-Judaeos-Bilder: Das Alte und Neue Testment im Spiegel der christlichen Kunst (Europäische Hochschulschriften 3.650; Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 1999)
Johannes Valentin, Antisemitische Karikaturen und Cartoons: Fremdbilder-Selbstbilder (Hohenems: Jüdisches Museum, 2005).
Rose-Carol Washton Long, Matthew Baigell, Milly Heyd (eds.), Jewish Dimensions in Modern Visual Culture (Waltham: Brandeis University Press, 2010)
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:13