Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

060055 UE 2-day excursion the medieval Laa an der Thaya and its hinterland (2024W)

und sein Umland

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German



Preparatory meeting: 14.10.2024, 11am - 1pm, GIS-Lab

Presentations: 15.11.2024, 9am - 5pm, GIS-Lab

Excursion: 22.11.2024, Laa/Thaya


Aims, contents and method of the course

The excursion invites students to take an extended look at the medieval history of the town of Laa an der Thaya and its surroundings and to visit some of its scenes. Laa was founded by Duke Leopold VI around 1230 on the site of an older village from the 12th century. The castle, parts of the town wall, the Bürgerspital hospital, the old Town Hall, the parish church and the vicarage have all been preserved from the town's early days. However, also the settlement landscape surrounding the town features a number of medieval sites, such as deserted villages, which are closely linked to the town's history. The excursion will take place on 15 November 2024 with presentations at the institute and on 22 November 2024 in Laa. The meeting point for the excursion is the local history museum in Laa a. d. Thaya. From there, various medieval buildings and sites in the town will be visited. Participants are responsible for organising their own arrival and departure. The aim of this excursion is to give students a basic understanding of the connections between high medieval town foundations and their surroundings from a landscape archaeological perspective using concrete examples and to discuss them in order to gain a better understanding of the methods and results of the discipline.

Assessment and permitted materials

In addition to participating in the excursion, students will be asked to prepare short oral presentations that they will give as talks. These presentations will focus on specific buildings or sites visited or on explicit aspects of the town's history. The course should provide the opportunity to delve deeper into a specific topic and share their own findings and analyses with the course participants. Presentations should last about 5 minutes and presenters should be prepared to answer some questions from the group. In addition, a two-page report on the presentation topic should be written, which will also be included in the assessment. The exact topics for the presentations will be announced and distributed in the preliminary meeting.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Most of the presentations and the guided tours during the excursion will be held in German, so a basic passive understanding of German is advisable. However, questions can be asked in English at any time and your own presentation as well as the two-page report can be held respectively written in English.

The evaluation of the students in this field trip will be based on different criteria that take into account both the process of preparation for the field trip and the active participation in it. Here are the main criteria by which the work will be assessed:
Quality of presentations and reports: students will be evaluated based on the quality of their prepared presentations and reports. This includes thorough research and understanding of the chosen topic, the ability to present the information clearly and effectively, and the ability to answer questions and stimulate discussion.
Active participation in discussions: students are encouraged to actively participate in discussions that arise during the field trip. This may include asking questions, offering observations or sharing insights.
Presentation 40%, report 40%, active participation 20%

Examination topics

Reading list

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Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 02.10.2024 13:25