Universität Wien

060101 UE Historical maps - preparation and interpretation for archaeological investigations (2024S)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: German, English



Monday, 10:45 - 13:45, GIS Labor
Dates: 04.03., 08.04. (Excursion), 15.04., 29.04., 13.05., 27.05., 10.06., 24.06.,


Aims, contents and method of the course

The systematic analysis of historical maps is an important methodological approach for a well-founded interpretation of archaeological prospection data. Maps from the 17th-19th centuries are central sources for settlement, environmental and landscape archaeology. However, any other archaeological investigation can also benefit significantly from a better classification of features and finds using historical maps. The course teaches the theoretical and practical basics of using historical maps on the basis of archaeological examples. In the practical part of the course, digitised maps are georeferenced and interpreted archaeologically.

Assessment and permitted materials

Personal attendance required; active participation (involvement in discussions);
Personal processing of an assigned task/map in a GIS including a written report.

The partial performance of the report is planned as a written digital submission.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Prerequisite for participation in the course: GIS knowledge (QGIS or ArcGIS)!

Assessment standard:
- Processing and georeferencing of a historical map in several map sheets in a GIS: 40 points.
- Interpretation of the map and writing a report within the given time frame (until 17 June 2024): 60 points; the last unit (24 June 2024) is intended for oral and written feedback on the report.

- 1 (very good) 100-87 points
- 2 (good) 86-74 points
- 3 (satisfactory) 73-62 points
- 4 (sufficient) 61-51 points
- 5 (not sufficient) 50-0 points

Examination topics

Final report: The participants have to solve a task independently and write a report. Digitised map sheets and supporting literature will be provided. Submission no later than 17 June 2024.

Reading list

Will be provided in the course.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 20.03.2024 13:45