Universität Wien
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060123 LP Field School Hallstatt Settlement Mitterdorf/St.Barbara im Mürztal (2024W)

Continuous assessment of course work


max. 10 participants
Language: German, English



The field school takes place from 21.10.-13.11.2024 with work on one weekend (9.-10.11.2024, open excavation weekend).

For informations about the site see: https://archdenk.rkarl.org/2024/03/die-spathallstattzeitliche-siedlung-von.html


Aims, contents and method of the course

During this archaeological field school, BA students (beginners) are introduced to the basic skills of practical archaeological fieldwork, which are taught by both theoretical introduction to the principles of archaeological field research and practical induction to the techniques used in the field during a training excavation. Skills taught include the ergonomical use of excavation tools, knowledge and application of general health and safety legislation on archaeological excavations, the correct recognition, removal and documentation of archaeological stratigraphy, the correct recognition and documentation of contexts and finds by way of written, drawn, photographic and electronic documentation, and the correct recovery and administration of finds, features and other relevant data. For successful completion, participation on the excavation and proven reading of at least 2 of the items on the reading list (Barker 1993; Collis 2004; Drewett 1999; Roskams 2001) is required.

During this archaeological field school MA, (advanced) students are trained for independent directorship of archaeological excavations and other kinds of fieldwork. The skills required are taught both by theoretical introduction and practical induction of trench supervision and similar management tasks on site. Skills taught include independent risk assessment for the area under supervision by the student, securing that part of the site, on site induction of site workers concerning health and safety regulations. The student is supervised by the site directors responsible for the correct excavation of the area assigned, including the supervision and management of staff working in that area (including such participating in field school 1) and the general management of the data collected during the excavation of the assigned part of the site. To successfully complete field school MA, attendance and proven reading of at least 3 of the books on the reading list on excavation (Barker 1993; Collis 2004; Drewett 1999; Roskams 2001) and of the literature on health and safety on archaeological excavation (Hemmers et al. 2006; Rheinischer Gemeindeunfallversicherungsverband 2005) is required.

n.b.: The excavation is still conducted under the provisions of the DMSG 1999. The changed legal provisions under the DMSG 2024 will nonetheless be discussed and taught.

Assessment and permitted materials

1) Teilnahme an der Grabung
2) Grabungskompetenznachweis mit Peer-Feedback

Die Teilleistung 1) ist während der Grabung vom 21.10.-13.11.2024 durch angeleitete praktische Mitarbeit zu erbringen. Die Teilleistung 2) wird durch schriftliches Feedback auf einem Kompetenznachweis-Formular durch Betreuungspersonal auf der Grabung bestätigt.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Anwesenheit (zweimal unentschuldigtes Fehlen ist gestattet) / Attendance (two unexplained absences are permitted)
Abgabe eine Kopie/Scan des vollständig ausgefüllten Grabungskompetenznachweises /Submission of a copy/scan of the completed excavation competence sheets

Für die Leistungskontrolle werden alle Teilleistungen berücksichtigt.

Es können 100 Punkte erreicht werden:
Anwesenheit/Attendance: 10 Punkte/points
Grabungskompetenznachweis/excavation competence sheets: 90 Punkte/points

• 1 (sehr gut) 100-87 Punkte
• 2 (gut) 86-74 Punkte
• 3 (befriedigend) 73-62 Punkte
• 4 (genügend) 61-51 Punkte
• 5 (nicht genügend) 50-0 Punkte

Examination topics

Archäologische Grabungsmethoden / archaeological fieldwork methods

Reading list

Barker, P. 1993. Techniques of Archaeological Excavation. 3rd fully revised ed., London, Batsford.
Collis, J. 2004. Digging up the past. An introduction to archaeological excavation. pbk. ed., Stroud, Sutton Publishing.
Drewett, P.L. 1999.Field Archaeology. An Introduction. London, UCL Press.
Harris, E. 1989. Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy. 2nd ed., London, Academic Press.
Harris, E., Marley, R. et al. (eds.) 1993. Practices of Archaeological Stratigraphy. London, Academic Press.
Hemmers, C. et al. 2006. Unfallverhütung und Sicherheit in der Archäologie. Artikel zur Tagung, Salzburg. 2./3. Februar 2006. Wien.
Rheinischer Gemeindeunfallversicherungsverband 2005. Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen. Düsseldorf.
Roskams, S. 2001. Excavation. Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 18.09.2024 07:45