Universität Wien

080062 SE Colonial Heritage and Decolonial Thinking (2024S)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Thursday 21.03. 09:00 - 15:00 Seminarraum 4 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte (1. Stock) UniCampus Hof 9 3F-O1-27
Thursday 25.04. 09:00 - 15:00 Seminarraum 4 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte (1. Stock) UniCampus Hof 9 3F-O1-27


Aims, contents and method of the course

In this seminar, we will explore images, spaces, and readings related to colonial heritage and decolonial thinking. The seminar will topics such as visual anthropology, colonial art, and memorial practices. Our topics of research will include the history of the slave trade, the forced or volunteer exhibition of people such as in “Völkerschauen”, as well as scientific and “entertaining” racism We will question the past but also the ways in which it remains present (or absent!) in museum displays, artistic practices, or popular discourse. The seminar would like to bring complexity, critical thinking, and decolonial methods at the forefront. We will also focus on colonial heritage in Austria and its legacies. How can we revisit these particular histories? What does remain active in our present and potential futures? Figures such as Angelo Soliman and his tragic afterlife, will be of interest. We will study different typologies of artefacts, including paintings, engravings, sculptures, photographs, or plaster casts. We will also discuss the work made by Austrian anthropologists, for instance, who also benefited from greater colonial expeditions. Students will have the possibility of doing a creative project as final outcome of the project.

Assessment and permitted materials

- Active participation in discussions
- presentation
- Consolidation in the form of a written term paper (c. 10 pages, 1,5, without images or bibliography) OR a creative project (podcast, website, etc.)
- By registering for this course, you agree that the automated plagiarism checking software Turnitin will check all written assignments submitted by you in moodle.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum requirement:
- Compulsory attendance. In the event of absence due to illness or exceptional family circumstances, written proof must be submitted.
- For a positive completion of the course, all partial performances must be completed.
- Seminar paper: To ensure good scientific practice, the course instructor may invite students to a grade-relevant discussion after submission of the paper, which must be completed positively.

Assessment criteria:
- Active participation in discussions 25-30%
- Presentation 25-30%
- Consolidation in the form of a written term paper or creative project 40-50%

Grading scale:
1 (very good) 100-90 points; 2 (good) 89-81 points; 3 (satisfactory) 80-71 points; 4 (sufficient) 70-61 points; 5 (insufficient) 60-0 points

Examination topics

The examination material is the content of the course.

Reading list

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Tu 30.04.2024 13:25