Universität Wien

080065 UE Course: Exhibiting Egon Schiele. Backstage (2024W)

Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

02.10.2024: Egon Schiele Museum Tulln, Donaulände 28, 3430 Tulln, Meeting point on the forecourt.
06.11.2024: Unteres Belvedere, Rennweg 6A, 1030 Wien, Meeting point entrance area.
13.11.2024: Wien Museum, Karlsplatz 8, 1040 Wien, Meeting point foyer.
04.12.2024: Leopold Museum, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien, Meeting point foyer.
11.12.2024: Albertina, Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Wien, Meeting point foyer.

  • Wednesday 02.10. 12:45 - 17:15 Ort in u:find Details
  • Wednesday 06.11. 14:15 - 15:45 Ort in u:find Details
  • Wednesday 13.11. 14:15 - 15:45 Ort in u:find Details
  • Wednesday 20.11. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum 1 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte UniCampus Hof 9 3F-EG-07
  • Wednesday 27.11. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum 1 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte UniCampus Hof 9 3F-EG-07
  • Wednesday 04.12. 14:15 - 15:45 Ort in u:find Details
  • Wednesday 11.12. 14:15 - 15:45 Ort in u:find Details
  • Wednesday 08.01. 14:15 - 17:15 Seminarraum 1 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte UniCampus Hof 9 3F-EG-07
  • Wednesday 15.01. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum 1 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte UniCampus Hof 9 3F-EG-07
  • Wednesday 29.01. 14:15 - 15:45 Seminarraum 1 d. Inst. f. Kunstgeschichte UniCampus Hof 9 3F-EG-07


Aims, contents and method of the course

Egon Schiele is one of the most popular artists of our time; the hype surrounding his work leads to exhibitions around the globe. The artist is constantly being viewed in new ways, and almost every year new works, sources or insights emerge that enrich the artist's life and work with new perspectives. At the same time, exhibiting Egon Schiele's works is associated with major challenges and problem areas, ranging from questions of content to ethical and legal issues, from security standards, restoration aspects and financial framework conditions to questions of reputation and building trust. These questions of exhibition practice are the focus of the course, which incorporates numerous Schiele works from Viennese museums and gives experts the opportunity to speak.

The introduction at the Egon Schiele Museum Tulln is dedicated to the current presentation there ("Egon Schiele. Naked!") and the exhibition currently in preparation at the Neue Galerie New York ("Egon Schiele. Living Landscapes"). Both projects make it possible to present the relevant thematic areas of exhibiting in an exemplary manner. Right from the start, experts who accompany such exhibitions - from organization to restoration - will have their say.

In addition to lectures and discussions on special topics at the Institute of History of Art, leading Schiele experts from Vienna's museums will speak in the context of excursions. Franz Smola (Belvedere), Ursula Storch (Wien Museum), Kerstin Jesse (Leopold Museum), Elisabeth Dutz (Albertina) and others will talk about the challenges of past and future Schiele projects in front of works by the artist.
The artist is ideally suited to raise questions about concepts, provenance and restitution processes, insurance and private and public collections. It is about dealing with a glorious chapter of art that has long since become one of Austria's main exports.

Assessment and permitted materials

Attendance is required (two units may be missed without excuse)
Presentation of the core arguments and content of two texts (40 %)
Regular and active participation in the discussions (30 %)
Written thesis (30 %)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Minimum requirements and assessment standard:
- Compulsory attendance. In the event of absence due to illness or exceptional family circumstances, written proof must be submitted.
- Regular attendance and reading of all texts covered.
- Completion of a presentation and a written thesis in accordance with the standards of good scientific practice.

Grading scale:
1 (very good) 100-90 points; 2 (good) 89-81 points; 3 (satisfactory) 80-71 points; 4 (sufficient) 70-61 points; 5 (insufficient) 60-0 points

Examination topics

Prüfungsstoff ist der Inhalt der Lehrveranstaltung.

Reading list

- Christian Bauer (Ed.), Egon Schiele. Almost a Lifetime, Munich 2015
- Elisabeth Dutz, Schiele und die Folgen, Wien 2021
- Jane Kallir, Egon Schiele: The Complete Works. Including a Biography and a Catalogue Raisonné. With an Essay by Wolfgang G. Fischer,
New York-Milano-Amsterdam-Madrid-London 1990
- Rudolf Leopold, Egon Schiele. Gemälde, Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, (Erstausgabe Salzburg 1972), überarbeitete, von Elisabeth Leopold
herausgegebene 2. Ausgabe, München 2021
- Tobias G. Natter, Die Welt von Klimt Schiele und Kokoschka Sammler und Mäzene, Köln 2003
- Renée Price (Ed.), Egon Schiele. The Ronald S. Lauder and Serge Sabarsky Collections, München-Berlin-London-New York 2005
- Stella Rollig, Kerstin Jesse (Ed.), Egon Schiele. The Making of a Collection , München 2018

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Tu 27.08.2024 14:05