Universität Wien

080084 SE Research Seminar (2014S)

Continuous assessment of course work


Language: German



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Support-tool for students working on their Diploma or Doctoral theses

Assessment and permitted materials

The conferences, their contents and their methodology will be taken into consideration as well as the partecipation on the discussions

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The students will present the present state of their work and discuss questions, problems and solutions

Examination topics

The leader of the seminar will comment the presentations and lead the following discussions

Reading list

Die Referenten legen den übrigen Teilnehmern die einschlägige Literatur zu ihrem Arbeitsthema vor / The referring students will have to provide the other participants with relevant literature on their work.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:49