Universität Wien

090085 PS Daily Life and Professions in Late Antiquity (2019S)

6.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 9 - Altertumswissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: English



DO wtl 14.15 - 15.45 Ort: Abguss-Sammlung d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse/Philippovichgasse

1. Termin: 14.03.2019!


Aims, contents and method of the course

How did the people live in Late Antiquity? How were their lives organised? Which professions and jobs were common at that time? How were they dressed? How did they spend their free time? What elements of their lives were influenced by pagan, Jewish and Christian religion?
The archaeological material culture and iconography provide many information on different aspects of the daily life of that time. Other important documents are the figurative inscriptions widespread in Late Antiquity.
The aim of the proseminar is to introduce the students to the Late Antique daily life. The main themes of urban and rural life, working and free time activities (dance and music as well as food and drinking), clothing and personal appearance, religious practices and devotion will be analysed and contextualized. Each student through an oral presentation and a written essay will be required to elaborate one of the themes proposed during the first lessons.

Assessment and permitted materials

Students will be required to choose a theme from a list of subjects for an oral presentation (25 min.) and submit a written essay (10 pages).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Regular and active participation 30% - presentation 30% - written essay at the end 40%
Participation is required and only missing two/three lectures is allowed.

Examination topics

Active participation and discussion - presentation - written paper

Reading list

- K. Sessa, Daily Life in Late Antiquity, Cambridge 2018
- B. Lançon, Rome in Late Antiquity: Everyday Life and Urban Change, AD 313 - 604, Edinburgh 2000
- B. Brenk, Die Christianisierung der spätrömischen Welt. Stadt, Land, Haus, Kirche und Kloster in frühchristlicher Zeit, Wiesbaden 2003
- F. P. Morgan, Dress and Personal Appearance in Late Antiquity: the Clothing of the Middle and Lower Classes, Leiden; Boston 2017
- Objects in Context, Objects in Use: Material Spatiality in Late Antiquity, ed. L. Lavan, Leiden 2007
- Age of Spirituality: Late Antique and Early Christian Art, Third to Seventh Century, ed. K. Weitzmann, New York City 1979
- F. Bisconti, Mestieri nelle catacombe romane: appunti sul declino dell’iconografia del reale nei cimiteri cristiani di Roma, Città del Vaticano 2000
- W. Bachmann, ‘Musikdarbietung im Hippodrom von Konstantinopel’. Imago Musicae. Vol. XXIXXII. Edited by Tilman Seebass and Björn R. Tammen. Lucca: Libreria Musicale Italiana: 193-227.
- E. Lässig, Tanz auf spätantiken Textilien aus Ägypten, MiChA 17 (2011) 51-76.
- E. Lässig, Musikinstrumente auf spätantiken Textilien aus Ägypten, MiChA 18 (2013) 33-60.

Further information on the relevant reading material will be provided on Moodle.

Association in the course directory

Anrechenbar: im Fachbereich Frühchristliche/Spätantike Arch.
im BA: WM früh, kl. Vertiefung;
im MA: -
im EC-Grundlagen;
im EC-Vertiefung;

Last modified: Mo 03.06.2019 17:47