090107 VO Archaeological Theories and Methods: A Case Study from Noricum (2024S)
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
max. 20 participants
Language: German
Examination dates
- Wednesday 26.06.2024 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 24.07.2024 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 25.09.2024 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 27.11.2024 12:00 - 13:30 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 26.02.2025 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Wednesday 06.03. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 13.03. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 20.03. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 10.04. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 17.04. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 24.04. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 08.05. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 15.05. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 22.05. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 29.05. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 05.06. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 12.06. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
- Wednesday 19.06. 11:45 - 13:15 Seminarraum d. Inst. f. Klassische Archäologie Franz-Klein-Gasse 1.OG
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Written examination. No aids are permitted.
- Focus on aspects of Roman everyday life (e.g., privacy/status/sanctity) and how they were manifested in everyday rituals;
- Address methodological problems of historical reconstruction;
- Focus on aspects of Roman everyday life (e.g., privacy/status/sanctity) and how they were manifested in everyday rituals;
- Address methodological problems of historical reconstruction;
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Minimum requirement: Attainment of at least 50% of the achievable 5 points in the written examination.
Assessment standard: according to the points achieved
1: Very good
2: Good
3: Satisfactory
4: Sufficient
5: Not satisfactory
Assessment standard: according to the points achieved
1: Very good
2: Good
3: Satisfactory
4: Sufficient
5: Not satisfactory
Examination topics
All lectures will be supported by means of slides and papers, which have been discussed. The slides and supporting exam preparation materials are relevant for the test and will be accessible via Moodle.
Reading list
Fischer T (2001) Die römischen Provinzen. Eine Einführung in ihre Archäologie, Theiss-Verlag
V. Gassner – S. Jilek – S. Ladstätter (2002) Am Rande des Reiches. Die Römer in Österreich
M. Šašel Kos – P. Scherrer (2002) The Autonomous Towns of Noricum and Pannonia, Situla 40
V. Gassner – S. Jilek – S. Ladstätter (2002) Am Rande des Reiches. Die Römer in Österreich
M. Šašel Kos – P. Scherrer (2002) The Autonomous Towns of Noricum and Pannonia, Situla 40
Association in the course directory
Anrechenbar: im Fachbereich Provinzialrömische Archäologie + materielle Kultur:
im BA: M5, M7, M11, M13;
im MA: PM2, PM3, PM5;
im EC 597 (Grabung und Survey, Materielle Kultur)
im BA: M5, M7, M11, M13;
im MA: PM2, PM3, PM5;
im EC 597 (Grabung und Survey, Materielle Kultur)
Last modified: Tu 21.01.2025 14:25
- Familiarisation with selected research fields of everyday life in Noricum
- Understanding the different everyday experiences of people with different status
- Understanding of biases in the use of archaeological and written sourcesContents: How do you imagine Roman life in the ancient province of Noricum? This course looks at various aspects of everyday life in the Roman world, from dialogue to everyday rituals, whether economic, social or political, with an emphasis on the human experience. The course focuses on the period from 50 BC to Late Antiquity and draws on representations, literary evidence, inscriptions and archaeological excavations, with an emphasis on well-preserved key sites. Buildings, graffiti, traces of settlement and other evidence provide snapshots of everyday life: of houses, workshops, temples and theatres in the province of Noricum.Method: Lecture