Universität Wien
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110171 PS Extension module media studies introductory seminar - Italian (2019S)

Dokumentarisches Filmschaffen in Italien

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 11 - Romanistik
Continuous assessment of course work

Voraussetzungen lt. Studienplan:
BA: Absolvierung der StEOP
Lehramt (Diplom): Absolvierung der StEOP, Absolvierung von 351-I dringend empfohlen


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 40 participants
Language: German, Italian


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Achtung: Aufgrund eines Auslandsaufenthalts beginnt der Kurs erst am 15.03.! Die entfallene Kurseinheit wird im Anschluss an die LV am 03.05. nachgeholt.

  • Friday 08.03. 15:15 - 16:45 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 15.03. 15:15 - 16:45 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 22.03. 15:15 - 16:45 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 29.03. 15:15 - 16:45 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 05.04. 15:15 - 16:45 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 03.05. 15:15 - 16:45 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 10.05. 15:15 - 18:30 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 24.05. 15:15 - 18:30 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8
  • Friday 14.06. 15:15 - 18:30 Seminarraum ROM 4 (3B-EG-37) UniCampus Hof 8


Aims, contents and method of the course

Italian documentary film has long been overshadowed by the internationally successful feature film production, but towards the end of the 1990s a new generation of Italian documentary filmmakers attracted attention, which has since triggered a real documentary boom in Italy. The creative contemporary documentary film scene today produces new hybrid documentary forms and is now regarded as the more innovative form of film in respect to feature films.
In this seminar, we will read and discuss texts on the theory and history of documentary film, examine and analyse film examples from the history of Italian documentary film to today's "cinema del reale" and experimental documentary film.
Participants will be given an overview of Italian documentary film history with a focus on the new documentary film ("cinema del reale"), an understanding of theoretical questions about documentary film and an introduction to film analysis.

Assessment and permitted materials

Participation in discussions and group activities; four assignments in the course of the semester, including presentation; final paper.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

A positive assessment requires 60% of the total performance.
Attendance is compulsory for the LV. Two absent hours are tolerated (except for appointments where tasks are discussed or presentations take place).

Examination topics

The texts discussed in the course and independent reading; film examples in the course and independent viewing of films; discussions in the course; methods of film analysis.

Reading list

Bertozzi, Marco (2008): Storia del documentario italiano. Venezia: Marsilio.
Derss.: (2018): Documentario come arte. Riuso, performance, autobiografia nell'esperienza del cinema contemporaneo. Venezia: Marsilio.
Hohenberger, Eva (Hg.) (1998): Bilder des Wirklichen. Texte zur Theorie des Dokumentarfilms. Vorwerk 8: Berlin.
Perniola, Ivelise (2014): L'era postdocumentario. Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni.
Spagnoletti, Giovanni (a cura di) (2012): Il reale allo specchio. Il documentario italiano contemporaneo. Venezia: Marsilio.
Further texts in the course (Moodle)

Association in the course directory

Bachelor: EM 52 I; BAR 08 I; Lehramt (Diplom): 352- I

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:32