Universität Wien

120003 SE MEd 03: SE Applied Research Seminar (2024S)

Classroom based research in L2 teaching and learning

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 12 - Anglistik
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 16 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Tuesday 16.04. 17:00 - 20:00 Raum 3 Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-EG-13
Tuesday 23.04. 17:00 - 20:00 Raum 3 Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-EG-13
Tuesday 07.05. 17:00 - 20:00 Raum 3 Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-EG-13
Tuesday 14.05. 17:00 - 20:00 Raum 3 Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-EG-13
Tuesday 04.06. 17:00 - 20:00 Raum 3 Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-EG-13
Tuesday 18.06. 17:00 - 20:00 Raum 3 Anglistik UniCampus Hof 8 3E-EG-13


Aims, contents and method of the course

• Students will explore current topics in classroom-based research on L2 teaching and learning and link them to professional practice.
• Students will get to know and trial the designing of a research instrument, the collection of data, and the analysis of data.
• Students will understand which research method would suit which research interest.
• Students will learn the first steps of transforming a research interest into a possible research project.

There will be four modules: textbook use, classroom discourse, task-based language teaching, and language learning apps. This course is designed to provide you with an opportunity to reflect and further develop your understanding of both theoretical and methodological considerations in the field of language learning and teaching.

Methods: mini-lectures, presentations, readings, interactive discussion, group work, assignments, group research project

Assessment and permitted materials

I. assignments (30)
II. data collection project (20)
III. project-based presentation (10)
IV. Individual project description (40)

There is no examination.

A maximum of 100 points can be achieved.
0-59 = Nicht genügend
60-69= Genügend
70 -79= Befriedigend
80 - 89= Gut
90-100 = Sehr gut

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

(a) regular class attendance (max. 1 absence)
(b) submitting all written work on time
(c) active engagement in project work and presentation
(d) submitting the individual paper on time
(d) attaining at least 50% on each of the three parts (see I, II and III above)

Examination topics

There is no exam.

Reading list

Module 1
Dörnyei, Z. 2007. Classroom research (= Chapter 8) Research methods in applied linguistics. (pp. 176-186). Oxford University Press.
Schramm, K. & Schwab, G. 2016. Beobachtung (chapter 5.2.3). In: Caspari, D., Klippel, F., Legutke M.K., Schramm, K. (eds). 2016. Forschungsmethoden in der Fremdsprachendidaktik, pp. 141-154, Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.
Kurtz, J. 2011. Zur Einführung in den Themenschwerpunkt (Themenschwerpunkt: Lehrwerkkritik, Lehrwerkverwendung, Lehrentwicklung). FLuL (Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen) 40 (2), 3-14.

Module 2: Dalton-Puffer, C. 2007. The classroom as a discourse space (ch.2). In: Dalton-Puffer, C. (2007). Discourse in content-and Language Integrated Classrooms. Benjamins, pp. 15-44.

Module 3: Ellis, R., Skehan, P., Li, S., Shintani, N., & Lambert, C. (2020). Task-based language teaching: Theory and practice. Cambridge University Press. [Chapter 1, pp. 3-7, 9-13]

Module 4

Association in the course directory

Studium: MEd 046/507
Code/Modul: MEd 03
Lehrinhalt: 12-4830

Last modified: Th 28.03.2024 10:45