Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

140232 VO Amharic II (2019W)


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 30 participants
Language: German

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

  • Thursday 10.10. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 17.10. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 24.10. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 31.10. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 07.11. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 14.11. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 21.11. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 28.11. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 05.12. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 12.12. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 09.01. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 16.01. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27
  • Thursday 23.01. 15:00 - 16:30 Seminarraum Arabica UniCampus Hof 4 2D-O1-27


Aims, contents and method of the course

Amharic is the official language of Ethiopia and is spoken by more than 20 million people. The language uses a syllabary, each consonant is realized in seven types depending on the following vowel.
The course aims to enable the students to have simple conversations in speech and writing.

Assessment and permitted materials

written test at the end of the term
a dictionary will be provided during the test

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

written test comprising 5 questions, in total, 30 points can be reached
- 15,25 Punkte: Nicht Genügend
15,5 – 19 Punkte: Genügend
19,25 – 22,75: Befriedigend
23 – 26,5: Gut
26,75 – 30 Sehr Gut

Examination topics

advanced knowledge in morphology, syntax, and basic vocabulary

Reading list

textbook: Appleyard, David. 2013. Colloquial Amharic. The complete course for beginners. New York, London: Routledge
Script obtainable in the office

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:20