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140396 SE Indigenous Movements in Latin America in a Global Perspective (2011S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 21.02.2011 10:00 to We 02.03.2011 10:00
- Registration is open from We 02.03.2011 18:00 to Fr 04.03.2011 10:00
- Deregistration possible until Th 31.03.2011 23:59
max. 25 participants
Language: English
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Friday 13.05. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum SG2 Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1
- Monday 16.05. 12:00 - 15:00 Seminarraum SG2 Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1
- Wednesday 18.05. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum SG1 Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1
- Friday 20.05. 09:00 - 12:00 Seminarraum SG2 Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1
- Monday 23.05. 12:00 - 15:00 Seminarraum SG2 Internationale Entwicklung, Sensengasse 3, Bauteil 1
Aims, contents and method of the course
This seminar will examine indigenous peoples’ social movements in Latin America. Indigenous peoples form a sizable and well-organized minority in many Latin American countries, such as Ecuador, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and Chile, and represent a majority of the population in Bolivia and Guatemala. Their political and cultural movements have gained international visibility in recent years most notably though the Zapatista uprising in Mexico and the democratic election of Evo Morales as first indigenous president in the history of Bolivia. Indigenous survival, resistance and mobilization have deep historical roots in the experience of conquest, colonization and state formation. We will evaluate these topics in the first part of our course. In the second part we will study four of the most significant movements in Latin America. Empirically, the seminar focuses on those regions with the highest concentrations of indigenous population: Mesoamerica (Guatemala and the Mexican state of Chiapas), and the Central Andes (Ecuador and Bolivia). The last part of this seminar considers themes that cut across indigenous movements throughout Latin America, such as relations with the state, constructions of ethnic and national identities, organizational strategies and their impact to the development of democracy. All themes we analyze and discuss in a global perspective. Thus, in the last session we summarize these global aspects of the Latin American indigenous movements.
Assessment and permitted materials
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Examination topics
Reading list
Assies, Willem et al. (eds.): The Challenge of Diversity. Indigenous peoples and the reform of the State in Latin America. Amsterdam 2001
Crabtree, John/ Whitehead, Laurence (eds.): Unresolved Tensions. Bolivia Past and Present. Pittsburgh 2008
Hale, Charles R.: Más que un indio. Racial Ambivalence and Neoliberal Multiculturalism. Santa Fe 2006
Jackson, Jean E./ Warren, Kay B.: Indigenous Movements in Latin America, 1992-2004: Controversies, Ironies, New Directions, in: The Annual Review of Anthropology, 2005, pp. 549-573
Kohl, Benjamin/ Farthing, Linda: Impasse in Bolivia. Neoliberal hegemony and popular resistance. London/ New York 2006
Kuper, Adam: The Return of the Native, in: Current Anthropology, 44 (2003) 3, pp. 389-402; Discussion, in: Social Anthropology, 14 (2006) 1, pp. 17-32
Langer, Erick D. (ed. with Elena Muñoz): Contemporary Indigenous Movements in Latin America. Wilmington (Delaware) 2003
Lauderdale, Pat: Indigenous Peoples in the Face of Globalization, in: American Behavioral Scientist, 51 (2008) 12, pp. 1836-1843
Lucero, José Antonio: Struggle of Voice. The Politics of Indigenous Representation in the Andes.Pittsburgh 2008
Madrid, Raúl: The rise of ethnopopulism in Latin America, in: World Politics, 60 (April 2008) 3, S. 475-508
Maybury-Lewis, David (ed.): The Politics of Ethnicity: Indigenous Peoples in Latin American States. Cambridge (Mass.)/ London 2002
Montejo, Victor D.: Maya Intellectual Renaissance. Identity, Representation, and Leadership. Austin 2005
Montúfar, C./ Bonilla, A.: Two Perspectives on Ecuador: Rafael Correa’s Political Project. Wash. D.C. 2008
Patrinos, Harry A./ Skoufias, Emmanuel: Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America. The World Bank, Washington D.C. 2007
Postero, Nancy: Now we are citizens. Indigenous Politics in Postmulticultural Bolivia. Stanford 2007
Postero, Nancy/ Zamosc, León (eds.): The Struggle for Indigenous Rights in Latin America. Brighton/ Portland 2004
Radcliffe, Sarah/ Westwood, Sallie: Remaking the Nation. Place, identity and politics in Latin America. London/ New York 1996
Radcliffe, Sarah/ Laurie, Nina/ Andolina, Robert: Indigenous people and political transnational: Globalization from below meets Globalization from above? Paper, Oxford, Feb. 2002
Sawyer, Suzana: Crude Chronicles. Indigenous Politics, multinational oil, and neoliberalism in Ecuador. Durham 2004
Sieder, Rachel (ed.): Multiculturalism in Latin America. Indigenous Rights, Diversità and Democracy. Basingstoke/ New York 2002
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indgenous Peoples. U.N. General Assembly, 7 Sept. 2007
Stavenhagen, Rodolfo: Indigenous Peoples in Comparative Perspective. UNDP, Background Paper for HDR 2004
Van Cott, Donna Lee (ed.): Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America. New York 1994
Van Cott, Donna Lee: From Movements to Parties in Latin America. The Evolution of Ethnic Politics. Cambridge et al. 2005
Warren, Kay B.: Indigenous Movements and their Critics. Pan-Maya activism in Guatemala. Princeton 1998
Warren, Kay B./ Jackson, Jean E. (eds.): Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation and the State in Latin America. Austin 2002
Washbrook, Sarah (ed.): Rural Chiapas Ten Years after the Zapatista Uprising. London/ New York 2007
Wilmer, Franke: The Indigenous Voice in World Politics. Since Time Immemorial. Newbury Park/ London/ New Dehli 1993
Yashar, Deborah: Contesting Citizenship in Latin America. The Rise of Indigenous Movements and the Postliberal Challenge. Cambridge 2005
Crabtree, John/ Whitehead, Laurence (eds.): Unresolved Tensions. Bolivia Past and Present. Pittsburgh 2008
Hale, Charles R.: Más que un indio. Racial Ambivalence and Neoliberal Multiculturalism. Santa Fe 2006
Jackson, Jean E./ Warren, Kay B.: Indigenous Movements in Latin America, 1992-2004: Controversies, Ironies, New Directions, in: The Annual Review of Anthropology, 2005, pp. 549-573
Kohl, Benjamin/ Farthing, Linda: Impasse in Bolivia. Neoliberal hegemony and popular resistance. London/ New York 2006
Kuper, Adam: The Return of the Native, in: Current Anthropology, 44 (2003) 3, pp. 389-402; Discussion, in: Social Anthropology, 14 (2006) 1, pp. 17-32
Langer, Erick D. (ed. with Elena Muñoz): Contemporary Indigenous Movements in Latin America. Wilmington (Delaware) 2003
Lauderdale, Pat: Indigenous Peoples in the Face of Globalization, in: American Behavioral Scientist, 51 (2008) 12, pp. 1836-1843
Lucero, José Antonio: Struggle of Voice. The Politics of Indigenous Representation in the Andes.Pittsburgh 2008
Madrid, Raúl: The rise of ethnopopulism in Latin America, in: World Politics, 60 (April 2008) 3, S. 475-508
Maybury-Lewis, David (ed.): The Politics of Ethnicity: Indigenous Peoples in Latin American States. Cambridge (Mass.)/ London 2002
Montejo, Victor D.: Maya Intellectual Renaissance. Identity, Representation, and Leadership. Austin 2005
Montúfar, C./ Bonilla, A.: Two Perspectives on Ecuador: Rafael Correa’s Political Project. Wash. D.C. 2008
Patrinos, Harry A./ Skoufias, Emmanuel: Economic Opportunities for Indigenous Peoples in Latin America. The World Bank, Washington D.C. 2007
Postero, Nancy: Now we are citizens. Indigenous Politics in Postmulticultural Bolivia. Stanford 2007
Postero, Nancy/ Zamosc, León (eds.): The Struggle for Indigenous Rights in Latin America. Brighton/ Portland 2004
Radcliffe, Sarah/ Westwood, Sallie: Remaking the Nation. Place, identity and politics in Latin America. London/ New York 1996
Radcliffe, Sarah/ Laurie, Nina/ Andolina, Robert: Indigenous people and political transnational: Globalization from below meets Globalization from above? Paper, Oxford, Feb. 2002
Sawyer, Suzana: Crude Chronicles. Indigenous Politics, multinational oil, and neoliberalism in Ecuador. Durham 2004
Sieder, Rachel (ed.): Multiculturalism in Latin America. Indigenous Rights, Diversità and Democracy. Basingstoke/ New York 2002
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indgenous Peoples. U.N. General Assembly, 7 Sept. 2007
Stavenhagen, Rodolfo: Indigenous Peoples in Comparative Perspective. UNDP, Background Paper for HDR 2004
Van Cott, Donna Lee (ed.): Indigenous Peoples and Democracy in Latin America. New York 1994
Van Cott, Donna Lee: From Movements to Parties in Latin America. The Evolution of Ethnic Politics. Cambridge et al. 2005
Warren, Kay B.: Indigenous Movements and their Critics. Pan-Maya activism in Guatemala. Princeton 1998
Warren, Kay B./ Jackson, Jean E. (eds.): Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation and the State in Latin America. Austin 2002
Washbrook, Sarah (ed.): Rural Chiapas Ten Years after the Zapatista Uprising. London/ New York 2007
Wilmer, Franke: The Indigenous Voice in World Politics. Since Time Immemorial. Newbury Park/ London/ New Dehli 1993
Yashar, Deborah: Contesting Citizenship in Latin America. The Rise of Indigenous Movements and the Postliberal Challenge. Cambridge 2005
Association in the course directory
MA Globalgeschichte und Global Studies: Vertiefung 2
MA Globalgeschichte und Global Studies: Vertiefung 2
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:35