Universität Wien

150006 UE 4th Book Club Popular Culture: Visual Novel (2023W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 15 - Ostasienwissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German, English, Japanese



Don't let the limit on the number of participants keep you from registering, it's quite flexible.

The course will be held online, for the most part asynchronously; in case we want to meet (via BBB), the default weekly slot is on Mondays, 6:30 to 8 p. m., please reserve!

The first such meeting and the nominal course start is the orientation & introduction on 9 October (also 6:30 p. m. on BBB). Attendance is mandatory!

More information, and vote on what we’re going to read, on the perennial Moodle: https://moodle.univie.ac.at/course/view.php?id=412805. (Please join manually, doesn’t happen automatically with the course registration.)


Aims, contents and method of the course


This course aims to demonstrate that—and how—one can start to read in Japanese even without all that much textbook knowledge, and have fun doing it!

Specifically, we’re going to read a so-called visual novel, an originally Japanese, text-heavy form of popular culture, in which the text is enhanced by pictures, music, and sound effects. More importantly, in newer releases by major studios, spoken lines are usually voiced by professional voice actresses and actors. Stylistically as well as sub-culturally they’re related to light novels, manga and anime; although more serious works do exist; technically speaking they’re computer/video games; and for historical reasons they often include pornographic elements.

The multimedia nature of the form helps alleviate confusion due to the high-context nature of the Japanese language, while the ability to read and hear spoken text at the same time makes it easier to understand, as well as to and link kanji and vocabulary. Because the text is presented line by line and requires user input to advances, it doesn’t overwhelm the you but allows you to proceed at your own pace.

We’re going to focus on understanding the meaning of the text, rather than the finer points of its grammar. The amount of text is so large that an analytical translation in the style of Theorie/Grammar simply isn’t feasible. This is by design. You’re meant to get so much practice that you’ll reach a certain level of fluency as a matter of course.

In principle, students will read a section of the text each week, and be able to ask (and answer) questions at any time. The weekly reading goes hand in hand with one or more assignments, which function among other things as a check students have read and understood the text meaning- and language-wise; followed by discussion.
Depending on the work additional tasks and/or impulse topics for discussion will be provided, especially when the text offers opportunities for exploring something in more depth. For a short work, we may even go beyond simply reading it (e.g. making a playable translation).

* decent grounding in Japanese. Something like an A in Theorie and Praxis 1 and 2, plus plenty of experience in the self-study of Japanese as well as with various adjacent Japanese pop culture media would probably be the minimum; a B in Theorie 4 is more realistic, provided you’ve at least tried to read something that wasn’t from a textbook.
* high motivation. Any shortcomings may be overcome provided you bring enough motivation and invest enough time – whether it’s possible in the time-frame specified by the ECTS rating is another matter.
* Obviously both the above factors depend on the work we choose, so please participate in the selection!
* some German. You should be able to understand it at least. Some or all announcements and assignments may be in German, and other participants may prefer to communicate primarily in German; but it’s perfectly acceptable to write assignments / reply in English.
* Computer running Windows or Linux (maybe MacOS, if you have a lot of experience running games for Windows), stable internet connection, microphone for teleconferencing (camera optional).
* Steam-Account (possibly, depending on the game).

See Moodle for more on the estimated difficulty and time investment required (u:space has a character limit).

Assessment and permitted materials

Assessment happens continuously throughout the semester, based on:

* regular assignments re. the weekly reading, e.g. summary, comprehension questions, (partial) translation, research (re. content or language), …
* active participation in the course, especially asking and answering questions on the forum, contributing to discussions, …
* any extra assignments, e.g. research and presentation of the results to the class.

The lecturer reserves the option, especially with regard to the regular assignments, to mark only a sample, selected in such a way as too guarantee each participant gets about the same number of turns.

Most contributions are to be made asynchronously on Moodle, though some may require participants to be (virtually) present, for example oral discussions, presentations, …
Students may be asked to submit assignments individually or in groups, depending.

Where it is possible and makes sense, students’ contributions will be shared with the class at large (similar to contributions made during conventional lessons).

Students have to do all work themselves. Plagiarism, the use of ghostwriters, as well as relying on, blindly and/or secretly using machine translations, LLM/AI and such is strictly prohibited (expulsion from the course and the annotation “unerlaubte Hilfsmittel” [‘cheating’] on the transcript).
Otherwise anything goes. In particular, participants are encouraged cooperate (outside solo assignments).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

* Für einen positiven Abschluss sind mehr als 50 % der Gesamtpunkte erforderlich: > 50 % → 4; > 62,5 % → 3; > 75 % → 2; → 87,5 % → 1.
Diese setzen sich zusammen aus regelmäßigen Aufgaben zur Lektüre (1. Punkt oben), ⅔; und Mitarbeit (2. Punkt oben), ⅓. Zusatzaufgaben (3. Punkt oben) fallen prinzipiell in die zweite Kategorie, es sei denn, sie sind von Ihrer Art und Funktion her den regelmäßigen Aufgaben zum Text ähnlich.

* Die regelmäßigen Aufgaben zum Text werden bei Nicht-Abgabe prinzipiell mit 0 Punkten bewertet, im Stichproben-Modus allerdings nur bei gezogenen Teilnehmern. Schließlich werden die schlechtesten Bewertungen in der Kategorie gestrichen (20 % bezogen auf die mittlere Anzahl von Bewertungen) und der Durchschnitt gebildet. Ich behalte mir vor, die Aufgaben nach Textlänge/Aufwand zu gewichten, falls es, z. B. Feiertags-bedingt, zu deutlichen Abweichungen kommt.

* Die Mitarbeit im Forum, Teilnahme an Diskussionen, etc., wird jeweils relativ zur mittleren Mitarbeit aller Teilnehmer beurteilt.

* Zusatzaufgaben können verpflichtend sein, d. h. bei Nichterledigung mit 0 Punkten einfließen, oder, optional, d. h. bei Nichterledigung außer Betrachtung bleiben. Es besteht kein Anspruch auf die Erledigung optionaler Zusatzaufgaben.

Bei verspäteten Abgaben Nichtannahme vorbehalten.

Auch, weil es sich um eine experimentelle Lehrveranstaltung handelt, wird redliche Bemühung als Maßstab für eine positive Beurteilung angelegt, und auf Fortschritte mindestens ebensoviel Wert gelegt, wie auf absolutes Können.

* Wer nicht an der online Vorbesprechung/Einführungsveranstaltung teilnimmt, kann abgemeldet werden (analog zur ersten Einheit in konventionellen prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltungen).
* Wer unentschuldigt länger als zwei Wochen nicht auf Moodle aktiv ist oder mehr als zwei verpflichtende Aufgaben in Serie nicht abgibt, wird negativ beurteilt und von der weiteren Teilnahme ausgeschlossen (analog zur Anwesenheitspflicht in konv. p.i. LV).
* Davon abgesehen gibt es keine Anwesenheitspflicht, allerdings entgehen Ihnen u.U. wichtige Informationen und Gelegenheiten, Leistungen zu erbringen.

Examination topics

All course content, in particular the work we’re reading and everything we generate in the course of reading it, including forum discussions etc., plus the materials provided on Moodle.

Reading list

For information re. where the work to be read may be obtained (possibly for a fee), see Moodle. All other required materials will also be provided via Moodle.

Enrolment key for self-enrolment in the perennial Moodle linked at the top: YH#5

Association in the course directory

BA: M16, Modul Alternative Erweiterungen

Last modified: Th 05.10.2023 13:47