Universität Wien

150304 PVU StEOP: Korean Grammar 1 (Group 2) (2024W)

8.00 ECTS (3.00 SWS), SPL 15 - Ostasienwissenschaften
Continuous assessment of course work

Studierende von Theorie 1 (Gruppe 2) müssen sich auch bei Praxis 1 in der Gruppe 2 anmelden!

Zu dieser LV gibt es ein Tutorium. Der Termin wird in der LV bekannt gegeben.

HINWEIS: Ort und Termine zu dieser UE werden in u:space und im u:space Kalender NICHT angezeigt!

Der erstmalige Besuch dieser prüfungsimmanenten Lehrveranstaltung zählt bereits als Prüfungsantritt, d.h. die Lehrveranstaltung wird benotet! Wenn ein Abbruch während der ersten drei LV-Einheiten stattfindet und eine Abmeldung erfolgt ist, wird in der Regel von einer Benotung abgesehen.
Wer in der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fehlt, wird automatisch abgemeldet! Eine Entschuldigung mit Angabe einer entsprechenden Begründung muss schriftlich per Mail an die LV-Leitung erfolgen.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: English, Korean



Wed 8:30 - 11:00 AM, Studierraum (Entrance 2.4 Japanologie, 1st floor left).
BEGINNING: 4.10.2023.
Attending the first lecture session is mandatory! Under exceptional circumstances, an excuse note must be sent to the lecturer via email.
If a withdrawal occurs within the first three course units and a deregistration is requested, grading is typically waived. Unexcused absence from the first unit results in automatic deregistration.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Students should acquire a basic competence in terms of the structure and functioning of the Korean language. They should be able to read, speak, and understand the language at a fundamental level. They should also be able to transcribe spoken language into writing.

Grammar, sentence structure, and linguistic peculiarities will be explained along with the socio-cultural background.

Method: including lectures led by the course instructor, practical exercises.

Recommendation: Please familiarize yourself with the Korean alphabet (Hangeul) before the first lesson. This will make starting much easier!

Assessment and permitted materials

Attendance on the first day of the course counts as your first examination attempt, and the course will be graded accordingly. If you withdraw from the course within the first three sessions and formally deregister, grading is typically waived. Unexcused absence from the first session will result in automatic deregistration.

The assessment includes three on-site written tests:

2 mid-term tests (tentatively scheduled for October 16th and November 27th)
1 final test (tentatively scheduled for January 15th)
Additionally, there will be online vocabulary tests with grammar for each lesson on Moodle, which you should complete as homework at home.

Detailed information about the vocabulary tests will be provided during the course sessions. You can access the course material on Moodle afterward.

All exams will be conducted on-site, and no aids are allowed during exams.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

To our EcoS-Students,
our group is a parallel group to Group 1. The teaching pace and the number of new vocabulary words per week are geared towards students preparing for the StEOP exam.

To our Korean Studies Students:
Korean Grammar and Translation 1 is a non-curriculum-related exam preparation exercise. While participation is strongly recommended, it is not mandatory. Participants may receive a grade, but it is not applicable to the BA program in Korean Studies. What matters is passing the StEOP exam for Korean Studies students.

To earn a grade, you must meet the following minimum requirements:

To receive a passing grade, you must not be absent without a valid excuse more than three times (3 times). Exceptions to the attendance requirement can be obtained with a medical certificate, and in special cases, you must reach an agreement with the course instructor.
Maximum of 3 hours of absence.
Completing at least 90% of homework assignments and vocabulary tests is mandatory for successfully completing the course.
For tests, a minimum score of 60% of the maximum achievable points is required for a passing grade.
Homework assignments and vocabulary tests must be submitted on time.
Retakes will only be allowed with a medical certificate or for those unable to participate in online tests due to technical issues, who must promptly inform the instructor.

Vocabulary tests and homework assignments (mandatory):

1st Midterm Exam (20%)
2nd Midterm Exam (30%)
Final Exam (50%)

To receive a passing grade, a minimum of 60 points is required.
1 (very good) 100-90 points
2 (good) 89-81 points
3 (satisfactory) 80-71 points
4 (sufficient) 70-60 points
5 (insufficient) 59-0 points

Examination topics

textbook and exercise sheets

Reading list

서울대 한국어 1A + 1B (Student's Book & Workbook) / Seoul National University Korean Language 1A + 1B (Student's Book & Workbook)
In the first semester, we will use 4 textbooks.

Association in the course directory

BA M01 (für Koreanologen),
MA M1 (für Ecos-Studierende)

Last modified: Tu 01.10.2024 16:06