Universität Wien

160108 PS Introduction to Applied Linguistics (2021S)

Continuous assessment of course work


1 Gruber , Moodle
2 Bendl , Moodle


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Registration information is available for each group.


Group 1

max. 50 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle



DI wtl von 02.03.2021 bis 29.06.2021 10:45 - 12:15 Ort: Digital

Group 2

max. 50 participants
Language: German
LMS: Moodle



DO wtl von 04.03.2021 bis 24.06.2021 09.45-11.15 Ort: Digital


Aims, contents and method of the course

As a consequence of the actual Covid situation, the entire course will be offered and organized at the learning platform "moodle". Detailed information will be sent out before the first course-unit via e-mail on u:space.
In order to provide students with a deepened understanding of them, the following Applied Linguistics topics will be covered: conversation analysis, functional pragmatics, critical discourse analysis, discourse linguistics, readability research, linguistic media analysis, political communication, medical communication. In addition, students will receive training in working with bibliographical databases and in creating topic-specific bibliographies.

Assessment and permitted materials

Prüfungsimmanent; folgende Teilleistungen müssen erbracht werden: (1) Mitarbeit an einer der Themengruppen (als ReferentIn oder als E- DiskussionsmoderatorIn), dazu ist es unbedingt notwendig, an der ersten LV-Einheit teilzunehmen; (2) Einschicken von 3-4 Fragen vor jedem Referatstermin, bei Fragen zu weniger als fünf Themen kann keine positive Note erreicht werden; (3) Teilnahme an den E-Diskussionen nach den Referaten; (4) Abgabe einer Bibliographie mit ca. 30 - 35 Einträgen.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

As the course will be taught in German, a basic level of knowledge of German is indispensable. Therefore we advise you to read the German description

This course focuses on selected topics which were introduced in the course "Introduction to Applied Linguistics" in the winter term and offers readings and exercises regarding these topics.

Examination topics

Seminal texts of the above mentioned topics will be read, presented orally by students and discussed. The course conception is based on a blended learning approach, i.e. that students are required to use the university's learning platform (Moodle).

Reading list

Association in the course directory


Last modified: We 10.02.2021 13:29