Universität Wien

170550 VU Hegemonial and subversive concepts of gender in music videos (2015S)

Continuous assessment of course work

Hegemonial and subversive imaginations and concepts of gender are explained with the use of examples from music videos. In the introduction the intersection of Gender Studies and Cultural Studies plays the main role and furthermore the definitions and explanation of hegemony and subversion.
Hegemonial images of masculinity and of homosociality in the rock and pop music are presented and analysed, where they show traditional female and male representations of gender. Then subversive strategies of these presentations are outlined. Following strategies are specified and analysed, beginning with the ancient Greek until current explanations, and specific forms of these strategies, which include feminist and queer purposes, are highlighted: Irony, parody, camp, mask/masquerade, mimesis/mimicry, cyborg, transgender and dildo. Music examples are from Bruce Springsteen, Rolling Stones, Jonny McGovern, Prodigy, Angie Reed, Madonna, Sookee, Annie Lennox, Grace Jones, Scream Club, Yo Majesty, Lady Gaga, Lesbians on Ecstasy, Björk, Peaches, Katastrophe, MEN, Tribe 8, The Lost Bois, etc. With these examples we learn to distinguish a subversive form from a non-subversive one.
In the conclusion we deal with a brief summary of the lecture, problems and promises of subversive imaginations and concepts of gender. During the lecture political, linguistic, social and aesthetical strategies of biopolitical and postidentitary resistance are emphasised.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 50 participants
Language: German



Contact: doris.leibet@berkeley.edu

Please read texts and answer questions, which are in Moodle, for the first lecture dates and bring the answers to the class.


Aims, contents and method of the course

Hegemonial and subversive imaginations and concepts of gender are explained with the use of examples from music videos. In the introduction the intersection of Gender Studies and Cultural Studies plays the main role and furthermore the definitions and explanation of hegemony and subversion.
Hegemonial images of masculinity and of homosociality in the rock and pop music are presented and analysed, where they show traditional female and male representations of gender. Then subversive strategies of these presentations are outlined. Following strategies are specified and analysed, beginning with the ancient Greek until current explanations, and specific forms of these strategies, which include feminist and queer purposes, are highlighted: Irony, parody, camp, mask/masquerade, mimesis/mimicry, cyborg, transgender and dildo. Music examples are from Bruce Springsteen, Rolling Stones, Jonny McGovern, Prodigy, Angie Reed, Madonna, Sookee, Annie Lennox, Grace Jones, Scream Club, Yo Majesty, Lady Gaga, Lesbians on Ecstasy, Björk, Peaches, Katastrophe, MEN, Tribe 8, The Lost Bois, etc. With these examples we learn to distinguish a subversive form from a non-subversive one.
In the conclusion we deal with a brief summary of the lecture, problems and promises of subversive imaginations and concepts of gender. During the lecture political, linguistic, social and aesthetical strategies of biopolitical and postidentitary resistance are emphasised.

Assessment and permitted materials

Attendance, active participation, short presentation, written exam.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Students should get a comprehensive overview concerning the connection between Gender Studies and Cultural Studies and furthermore between hegemony and subversion, mainly dealing with imaginations and concepts of gender, and present an individually chosen music video.
The students learn:
• Information and knowledge of different movements of feminism, gender studies, queer theory, postcolonial studies, dis/ability studies, new media- and technology studies.
• Methods of text analysis, images, videos and sound in rock and pop music and the distinction of hegemonial and subversive gender representations
• Analysis and presentation of an individually chosen research example in the field of Gender Studies and Cultural Studies.

Examination topics

Blended Learning
Interactive tasks in pair/group/class work, World Café, expert groups, individual short presentations.
Close reading with questions and analyses schemes
Media: Internet, music videos, films and interviews, audios, images, lyrics, texts

Reading list

Austin, J. L.: How To Do Things With Words, Oxford, 1978.
Butler, Judith: Bodies That Matter. On the Discursive Limits of »Sex«, New York/London, 1993.
Butler, Judith: Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, New York/London, 1990.
Castro Varela, María do Mar / Dhawan, Nikita / Engel, Antke (Hrsg.): Hegemony and Heteronormativity: revisiting „the political“ in queer politics, Farnham/Burlington, 2011.
Connell, R.W.: Der gemachte Mann. Konstruktion und Krise von Männlichkeiten, Opladen, 2000.
Cvetkovich, Ann: An Archive of Feelings. Trauma, Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures, Durham/London, 2003.
Del Lagrace, Volcano/Dahl, Ulrika (Hg): femmes of Power. Exploding Queer Femininities, London, 2008.
Halberstam, J. Jack: Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender, and the End of Normal, Boston, 2012.
Halberstam, Judith: In a Queer Time and Place. Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives, New York, 2005.
Halberstam, Judith: Female Masculinity, Durham, 2002.
Haraway, Donna: Simians, Cyborgs, and Women. The Reinvention of Nature, London, 1998.
Hooks, bell: Black Looks. Popkultur – Medien – Rassismus, Berlin, 1994.
Jarman-Ivens, Freya (Hg.): Oh Boy! Masculinities and Popular Music, London/New
Kosofsky Sedgwick, Eve: Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire, New York, 1985.
McRobbie, Angela: In the Culture Society. Art, Fashion and Popular Music, London/New York, 1999.
McRobbie, Angela: The aftermath of feminism. Gender, culture and social change, London, 2009.
Mulvey, Laura: Visual and Other Pleasures, USA, 1989.
O’Brien, Lucy: She Bop II. The Definitive History of Women in Rock, Pop and Soul, London/New York, 2002.
Whiteley, Sheila/Rycenga, Jennifer (Hg.): Queering the Popular Pitch, New York, 2006.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:36