Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

180034 VO-L Philosophies of the Heart (2020S)

an Intercultural Perspective

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 18 - Philosophie


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Due to the change to remote learning, it is important that participants register for the lecture in order to have an access to moodle. The communication with the instructors will take place via moodle. In moodle participants can access audiofiles in which the instructor discusses the content of the lecture.
On Tuesday 24.03.20 from 18:30 to 20:00, you will have the possibility to join a videoconference. You can log in through BigBlueButton on Moodle.

  • Tuesday 10.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 17.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 24.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 31.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 21.04. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 28.04. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 05.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 12.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 19.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 26.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 09.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 16.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 23.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8
  • Tuesday 30.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Hörsaal 41 Gerda-Lerner Hauptgebäude, 1.Stock, Stiege 8


Aims, contents and method of the course

The goal of this lecture is to introduce philosophical conceptions of the heart from different cultures. The lecture will focus on the philosophies of the heart of Friedrich Nietzsche who uses the words "heart" or "hearty" in his oeuvre more that 2500 times, the Indian tantric Abhinavagupta (10th century) who challenges us to "learn to wander in the heart" (khechari) in order to understand the world from within as well as the Jewish philosopher Baruch de Spinoza who, in the fifth book of his Ethics, proceeds from the assumption that people have the capacity to sense the world sub specie aeterniatis.

When examining these discourses, the lecture will reflect upon the following questions:
How can we think of the heart as an organ of cognition?
Why was the heart repeatedly determined as the seat of our desire?
How does our image of thought (Deleuze) change when we thinking is understood as a form of desire?
What does thinking with the heart mean?
What does thinking without the heart mean?
What does heartfelt thinking mean?

Assessment and permitted materials

Written examination. The first examination date will take place at the end of June. Further examination dates: first week of October, midst of December, end of January 2020 (dates will be announced during the course of the semester). A digital written exam will take place at the end of June.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Written examinations will be comprised of four main questions with sub-questions (max. 40 points):
0-20 points = insufficient, 21-25 points = sufficient, 26-30 points = satisfactory, 31-35 points = good, 36-40 points = very good. There are no auxiliary devices allowed at the exam. At the written exam, one needs to reach > 50% of the points in order to pass the exam.

NEW exam modalities:
The exam will consist of a digital written exam via Moodle. The exam will take place in the format "digital written exams with open questions using an exam sheet for download" according to the requirements of the CTL. Students will download the exam sheet at the beginning of the exam period and should upload the edited exam sheet to Moodle within 2 hours. The exam take place according to an open-book-format. Direct quotes must be cited.
The digital written exam consists of 3 essay questions, each with 3 sub-points, which must be incorporated into the respective essay (max. 36 points, max. 12 points per essay, max. 4 points per sub-point): 0-18 points = insufficient . 19-22 points = sufficient. 23-26 points = satisfactory. 27-31 points = good. 32-36 points = very good.

Examination topics

Only Texts that will be discussed in the course of the semester, will be relevant for the exam. These texts will be part of the power point slides that will be made available on Moodle by tutor Sara Walker.

Reading list

Primary literature (will be accessible on Moodle):
Deleuze, Gilles: Spinoza. Praktische Philosophie, Merve Verlag: Berlin 1988.
Deshpande G.T.: Abhinavagupta, Sahitya Akademi: Delhi 1992. 2. Auflage.
Diefenbacher, Katja: Spekulativer Materialismus. Spinoza in der postmarxistischen Philosophie, Turia + Kant: Wien, Berlin 2018.
Müller-Ortega, Paul Eduardo: The Triadic Heart of Shiva: Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir. New York State University Press: New York 1989.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Nietzschesource, http://www.nietzschesource.org/
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Kritische Studienausgabe. Hg. v. Colli, Giorgio und Montinari, Mazzino, Bd. 4-6. De Gruyter: Berlin, New York 1988.
Spinoza, Baruch de: Sämtliche Werke, Ethik in Geometrischer Ordnung dargestellt. Hg. v. Wolfgang Bartuschat. Felix Meiner Verlag: Hamburg 2007.

Further literature will be available on Moodle.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:18