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180051 VO-L Philosophical foundations of yoga practice (2024W)
The Philosophical Foundation of Yoga Practice (Patañjali,Abhinavagupta, Aurobindo)
Hinweis der SPL Philosophie:Das Abgeben von ganz oder teilweise von einem KI-tool (z.B. ChatGPT) verfassten Texten als Leistungsnachweis (z.B. Seminararbeit) ist nur dann erlaubt, wenn dies von der Lehrveranstaltungsleitung ausdrücklich als mögliche Arbeitsweise genehmigt wurde. Auch hierbei müssen direkt oder indirekt zitierte Textstellen wie immer klar mit Quellenangabe ausgewiesen werden.Die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung kann zur Überprüfung der Autorenschaft einer abgegebenen schriftlichen Arbeit ein notenrelevantes Gespräch (Plausibilitätsprüfung) vorsehen, das erfolgreich zu absolvieren ist.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
Language: German
Examination dates
- Tuesday 28.01.2025 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- N Tuesday 04.03.2025 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3B NIG 3.Stock
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
The dates will be 15 minutes longer than usual, as the two dates on 22.10.24 and 21.01.25 will be canceled due to the lecturer's stay abroad.
The lecture includes 2 excursions to Rote Bar, Volkstheater Vienna on 05.11.24 and 03.12.24
- Tuesday 15.10. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 22.10. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 29.10. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 05.11. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 12.11. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 19.11. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 26.11. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 03.12. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 10.12. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 17.12. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 07.01. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 14.01. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Tuesday 21.01. 18:30 - 20:15 Hörsaal 3D, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. III/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
4 written examination dates:
1st examination date: First written examination date in the last lecture unit on 28.01.2025, 18:30-20:00
2nd examination date: First week of March 2025
3rd examination date: Mid-April 2025
4th examination date: End of June 2025
No AI, smartphones, computers or other aids may be used in the written examinations.
1st examination date: First written examination date in the last lecture unit on 28.01.2025, 18:30-20:00
2nd examination date: First week of March 2025
3rd examination date: Mid-April 2025
4th examination date: End of June 2025
No AI, smartphones, computers or other aids may be used in the written examinations.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Written examinations will comprise of four main questions with sub-questions (max. 40 points)
0-20 points = insufficient, 21-25 points = sufficient, 26-30 points: satisfactory, 31-35 points = good, 36-40 points = very good. At the written exam, one needs to reach > 50% of the points in order to pass the exam.
0-20 points = insufficient, 21-25 points = sufficient, 26-30 points: satisfactory, 31-35 points = good, 36-40 points = very good. At the written exam, one needs to reach > 50% of the points in order to pass the exam.
Examination topics
Only texts that will be explicitly discussed in the lecture during the course of the semester, will be relevant for the exam. These texts will be part of the power point slides which will be made accessible on Moodle.
Reading list
Main literature, regularly referred to in the course:
Aurobindo, Sri Ghose (1999): The Synthesis of Yoga. VOLUMES 23 and 24 THE COM-PLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust. Pondicherry.
Aurobindo, Sri Ghose (1997): Savitri. A Legend and a Symbol. Sri Aurobindo Asharm Trust: Pondicherry 1997.
The Aphorisms of Shiva (1992): The SivaSūtra with Bhāskara’s Commentary, the Vārttika Translated with Exposition and Notes by Mark S. G. Dyczkowski. Foreword by Pual E. Mul-ler-Ortega, SUNY Series in Tantric Studies. State University of New York Press: New York.
Böhler, Arno (2022): Sri Aurobindo Ghose: Vom Herz des Integralen Yoga. In: Mascha, Andreas und Seubert, Harald (2022): Integrale Anthropologie. Band 1: Grundlagen. München: Verlag Andreas Mascha, S. 57-89.
Bäumer, Bettina (2023): Vijñana Bhairava, Verlag der Weltreligionen, 7. Auflage. Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am Main.
Desikachar, TKV (2005): Yoga. Tradition und Erfahrung. Die Praxis des Yoga nach dem Yoga Sutra des Patanjali, 3. Auflage. Via Nova: Petersberg.
Lakshmanjoo, Swami (2000): Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme. Lakshmanjoo Academy.
Patañjali (2007): Die Wurzeln des Yoga. Die klassischen Lehrsprüche des Patañjali mit einem Kommentar von P. Y. Deshpande, mit einer neuen Übertragung der Sûtren aus dem Sanskrit, herausgegeben von Bettina Bäumer, 12. Auflage. O. W. Barth Verlag: Bern.
Skora, Kerry Martin (2007): The Pulsating Heart and Its Divine Sense Energies: Body and Touch in Abhinavagupta's Trika. In: Numen , 2007, Vol. 54, No. 4, Religion through the Senses (2007), Leiden/ Bosten: Brill. pp. 420-458.Further Literature, to deepen your knowledge:
Sri Aurobindo (1997): Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches 1909-1910. Sri Aurobindo Ash-ram: Pondicherry
Banerji, Debashish, (ed.) (2020): Integral Yoga Psychology: Metaphysics & Transformation as Taught by Sri Aurobindo. Twin Lakes: Lotus Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42240-021-00091-5.
Bäumer, Bettina (2016): Die flüssige Natur ästhetischer Erfahrung. Polylog 35, 89–95.
Böhler, Arno und Loughnane, Adam und Parkes, Graham (2015): „Performing Philosophy in Asian Traditions.“ Performance Philosophy Journal Vol 1, 133–147.
Böhler, Arno (2022): Sri Aurobindo Ghose: Vom Herz des Integralen Yoga. In: Mascha, Andreas und Seubert, Harald (2022): Integrale Anthropologie. Band 1: Grundlagen. München: Verlag Andreas Mascha, S. 57-89.
Bryant, Edwin F. (2009): The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali. New York: North Point Press.
Deshpande G.T. (19922): Abhinavagupta. Sahitya Akademi: Delhi
De Michelis, Elizabeth (2008): Modern Yoga. History and Forms. In: Byrne, Jean (Hg.): Yoga in the Modern World. Contemporary Perspectives. Rutledge: London / New York.
Dyczkowski, Mark S. G. (ed., 1992): The Stanzas on Vibration, Suny Series in the Shaiva Tradition of Kashmir. New York: State University of New York Press.
Dyczkowski, Mark S. G. (ed., 1992): The Siva-Sūtra with Bhāskara's Commentary, the Vārttika Translated with Explanations and Notes by Mark S. G. Dyczkowski. Foreword by Paul E. Muller-Ortega, SUNY Series in Tantric Studies. New York: State University of New York Press.
Eliade, Mircea: Yoga. Unsterblichkeit und Freiheit, Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am Main 1985
Gnoli, Raniero (1985): The Aesthetic Experience According to Abhinavagupta. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.
Gonda, Jan (1977): A History of Indian Literature. Vol. 2, fasc. 1, Medieval Religious Literature in Sanskrit. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowi
Heehs, Peter (2006): Sri Aurobindo and Hinduism. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives and Research Library.
Lakshmanjoo, Swami (2000): Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme. Lakshmanjoo Academy.
Maharaj, Ayon (2018): Infinite Paths to Infinite Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Muller-Ortega, Paul Eduardo (1989): The Triadic Heart of Siva. Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir. New York: State University of New York Press.
for more: see Moodle
Aurobindo, Sri Ghose (1999): The Synthesis of Yoga. VOLUMES 23 and 24 THE COM-PLETE WORKS OF SRI AUROBINDO, Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust. Pondicherry.
Aurobindo, Sri Ghose (1997): Savitri. A Legend and a Symbol. Sri Aurobindo Asharm Trust: Pondicherry 1997.
The Aphorisms of Shiva (1992): The SivaSūtra with Bhāskara’s Commentary, the Vārttika Translated with Exposition and Notes by Mark S. G. Dyczkowski. Foreword by Pual E. Mul-ler-Ortega, SUNY Series in Tantric Studies. State University of New York Press: New York.
Böhler, Arno (2022): Sri Aurobindo Ghose: Vom Herz des Integralen Yoga. In: Mascha, Andreas und Seubert, Harald (2022): Integrale Anthropologie. Band 1: Grundlagen. München: Verlag Andreas Mascha, S. 57-89.
Bäumer, Bettina (2023): Vijñana Bhairava, Verlag der Weltreligionen, 7. Auflage. Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am Main.
Desikachar, TKV (2005): Yoga. Tradition und Erfahrung. Die Praxis des Yoga nach dem Yoga Sutra des Patanjali, 3. Auflage. Via Nova: Petersberg.
Lakshmanjoo, Swami (2000): Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme. Lakshmanjoo Academy.
Patañjali (2007): Die Wurzeln des Yoga. Die klassischen Lehrsprüche des Patañjali mit einem Kommentar von P. Y. Deshpande, mit einer neuen Übertragung der Sûtren aus dem Sanskrit, herausgegeben von Bettina Bäumer, 12. Auflage. O. W. Barth Verlag: Bern.
Skora, Kerry Martin (2007): The Pulsating Heart and Its Divine Sense Energies: Body and Touch in Abhinavagupta's Trika. In: Numen , 2007, Vol. 54, No. 4, Religion through the Senses (2007), Leiden/ Bosten: Brill. pp. 420-458.Further Literature, to deepen your knowledge:
Sri Aurobindo (1997): Karmayogin: Political Writings and Speeches 1909-1910. Sri Aurobindo Ash-ram: Pondicherry
Banerji, Debashish, (ed.) (2020): Integral Yoga Psychology: Metaphysics & Transformation as Taught by Sri Aurobindo. Twin Lakes: Lotus Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42240-021-00091-5.
Bäumer, Bettina (2016): Die flüssige Natur ästhetischer Erfahrung. Polylog 35, 89–95.
Böhler, Arno und Loughnane, Adam und Parkes, Graham (2015): „Performing Philosophy in Asian Traditions.“ Performance Philosophy Journal Vol 1, 133–147.
Böhler, Arno (2022): Sri Aurobindo Ghose: Vom Herz des Integralen Yoga. In: Mascha, Andreas und Seubert, Harald (2022): Integrale Anthropologie. Band 1: Grundlagen. München: Verlag Andreas Mascha, S. 57-89.
Bryant, Edwin F. (2009): The Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali. New York: North Point Press.
Deshpande G.T. (19922): Abhinavagupta. Sahitya Akademi: Delhi
De Michelis, Elizabeth (2008): Modern Yoga. History and Forms. In: Byrne, Jean (Hg.): Yoga in the Modern World. Contemporary Perspectives. Rutledge: London / New York.
Dyczkowski, Mark S. G. (ed., 1992): The Stanzas on Vibration, Suny Series in the Shaiva Tradition of Kashmir. New York: State University of New York Press.
Dyczkowski, Mark S. G. (ed., 1992): The Siva-Sūtra with Bhāskara's Commentary, the Vārttika Translated with Explanations and Notes by Mark S. G. Dyczkowski. Foreword by Paul E. Muller-Ortega, SUNY Series in Tantric Studies. New York: State University of New York Press.
Eliade, Mircea: Yoga. Unsterblichkeit und Freiheit, Suhrkamp Verlag: Frankfurt am Main 1985
Gnoli, Raniero (1985): The Aesthetic Experience According to Abhinavagupta. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.
Gonda, Jan (1977): A History of Indian Literature. Vol. 2, fasc. 1, Medieval Religious Literature in Sanskrit. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowi
Heehs, Peter (2006): Sri Aurobindo and Hinduism. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Archives and Research Library.
Lakshmanjoo, Swami (2000): Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme. Lakshmanjoo Academy.
Maharaj, Ayon (2018): Infinite Paths to Infinite Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Muller-Ortega, Paul Eduardo (1989): The Triadic Heart of Siva. Kaula Tantricism of Abhinavagupta in the Non-Dual Shaivism of Kashmir. New York: State University of New York Press.
for more: see Moodle
Association in the course directory
Last modified: We 08.01.2025 11:46
In yoga studios, yoga is usually identified with physical exercises (āsana), breathing techniques (prañāyāma) and mediation exercises (dhāraṇā, dhyāna, samādhi). This lecture will attempt to show you the philosophical foundation that underpins these techniques.
In the first sessions, we will discuss the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali (ca. 4th century AD), which is based on the Sāṃkhya Yoga philosophy. The focus of our interpretation will be on the first 5 Sūtras and the 8 limbs of yoga described by Patañjali in the second and third chapters of the book. We will then combine these concepts with simple physical exercises and breathing techniques to get a physical sense of how these concepts “taste” to the senses.
In the second part of this lecture, I will compare the concepts of Sāṃkhya yoga philosophy with tantric yoga concepts as described mainly in the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra, one of the main scriptures of Kashmir Shaivism. In this case too, I will translate the description of tantric philosophies into simple body and breath movements after having analyzed their philosophical meaning.
In the third part of my lecture, I will then discuss the philosophy of Integral Yoga by Sri Aurobindo Ghose, which focuses on the unfolding of the gnostic level of consciousness, in which the yoga-praxis becomes poetic.