180078 SE MEi:CogSci Journal Club (2013W)
Debunking popular brain and mind myths with science
Continuous assessment of course work
max. 30 participants
Language: English
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
- Tuesday 01.10. 13:00 - 15:00 Hörsaal 2i NIG 2.Stock C0228 (Kickoff Class)
Aims, contents and method of the course
Everyone has heard myths about the brain and the diverse range of regular and extreme mental phenomena, such as:- You will die, if you don't get enough sleep.- Chocolate makes you happy, scientists say.- When you look at the mirror for too long, you will see the devil staring back at you! (and adaptations that involve chanting "Bloody Mary!")- Out of body experiences happen when the soul leaves its mortal body.- Patients with schizophrenia have multiple personalities and some of them
are dangerous.The central topic of this Journal Club will be a scientific discussion of these and similar urban legends and fairy tails. Using original articles and current review papers, participants will conduct their own literature research on their favorite brain and mind myths to discover their origins and the potential underlying mechanisms. By having a profound understanding of the involved principles, from neuronal organization and function of neurotransmitters to psychological concepts or cognitive fallacies, we can answer questions that are usually not found in textbooks. Is it all a hoax or is there some grain of truth?The participants of this Journal Club will learn to formulate a scientific question, find and judge literature resources, properly dissect articles, and present research data to finish with an evidence-grounded argument. Reflection, connecting dots and thinking outside the box will be encouraged and enforced.Discussion of current research questions in cognitive science on the basis of primary literature. Selection of important current publications in the field of cognitive science and presentation and discussion in the course of the journal club.
Assessment and permitted materials
2 presentations and several short presentations of current publications, participation in discussions, documentation on platform. (compulsory attendance)
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Deeper understanding of a current approach in cognitive science and its influence on the field
Awareness and understanding of current relevant topics and discussions in the field of cognitive science
Ability to follow scientific developments in the field of cognitive science in a reflective manner
Ability to interpret and evaluate results of primary scientific literature at an advanced level
Ability to choose autonomously and give a condensed account on primary scientific literature
Ability to communicate one's expertise in order to contribute constructive criticism in the context of scientific debate
Ability to moderate dicussion on current topics in cognitive science
Ability to deal with different points of view in an intercultural context
Awareness and understanding of current relevant topics and discussions in the field of cognitive science
Ability to follow scientific developments in the field of cognitive science in a reflective manner
Ability to interpret and evaluate results of primary scientific literature at an advanced level
Ability to choose autonomously and give a condensed account on primary scientific literature
Ability to communicate one's expertise in order to contribute constructive criticism in the context of scientific debate
Ability to moderate dicussion on current topics in cognitive science
Ability to deal with different points of view in an intercultural context
Examination topics
Preparation, presentation and discussion of current publications/literature in cognitive science
Reading list
Will be announced at the first meeting and partly chosen according to the interests of the participants.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Sa 10.09.2022 00:19