Universität Wien

180142 KO MEi: CogSci Psychology Discussion (2015S)

2.00 ECTS (1.00 SWS), SPL 18 - Philosophie
Continuous assessment of course work

1.Termin (Vorbesprechung): Mo., 2. März 2015, 9:00

HS 2i d. Inst. f. Philosophie, NIG, 2. Stock

Further dates (in Hörsaal 2H, NIG):
DI 17.03.2015, 15-18h
DI 28.04.2015, 15-18h
DI 12.05.2015, 15-18h
DI 09.06.2015, 15-18h
DI 23.06.2015, 15-18h


max. 20 participants
Language: English



Currently no class schedule is known.


Aims, contents and method of the course

The seminar broadens and deepens the content of the lecture "Introduction to Cognitive Psychology" by in-depth discussion of selective articles, and invites students to acquire practice in designing and understanding cognitive pychological experiments. The topics will include:
- basic principles and mechanisms of visual attention
- priming and unconscious processing
- divided and focussed attention
- attention and memory

Assessment and permitted materials

- regular attendance
- routine reading of the literature
- oral presentation
- moderation of a discussion
- active participation in discussions

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Acquisition of knowledge and practice concerning the
- methods of cognitive psychology
- research results of cognitive psychology
- critical reflection of experiments and resutls
- applications of cognitive psychology

Examination topics

- theoretical input through presentation and discussion
- reading of scientific articles
- oral presentation and moderation of a discussion
- active participation in discussions

Reading list

Topical articles on visual perception, attention, eye movements, etc.; All to be announced during the course

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Fr 31.08.2018 08:52