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180183 SE Francis Bacon, and the Art of Writing Philosophy (2022S)
Continuous assessment of course work
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Fr 11.02.2022 09:00 to Fr 18.02.2022 10:00
- Registration is open from Tu 22.02.2022 09:00 to Mo 28.02.2022 10:00
- Deregistration possible until Su 20.03.2022 23:59
max. 30 participants
Language: English
Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N
Very important notice: the sechule of our meetings in irregular
Session 1 18.03.2022 Welcome, Introduction, Literature, Schedule, Recent trends in Bacon ScholarshipSession 2 25.03.2022 Law and Politics, Bacon’s Life and Times: an introduction to the general historical background
Session 3 8.04.2022 Between Early Modern Philosophy, Literature and Re-invented Myth. Bacon’s Essays and Sapientia veterum
Session 4 29.04.2022 The Advancement of Learning: Science, the art of eloquence and some inefficient ways of raising money (15.00-16.30 Ort: Hörsaal 3C )
Session5 6.05.2022 Towards a doctrine of idols: Valerius Terminus and the Advancement of learning
Session 6 13.05.2022 De sapientia veterum liber. Myth and Early modern Science
Session 7 20.05.2022 STUDY DAY ALL DAY FROM 9 AM – 7PM presentations by the students (VENUE will be communicated in advance).
Session 8 27.5.2022 Critical assessments: Bacon as a philosopher of Science in Later Perspectives.
- Friday 18.03. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 25.03. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 01.04. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 08.04. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 29.04. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 06.05. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 13.05. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 20.05. 11:30 - 14:45 Hörsaal 3B NIG 3.Stock
- Friday 20.05. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 27.05. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 03.06. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 10.06. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 17.06. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
- Friday 24.06. 15:00 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3C, NIG Universitätsstraße 7/Stg. II/3. Stock, 1010 Wien
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Apart from actively participating in the discussions of selected primary texts, students will be required to give a short talk and to write a15 page seminar paper in English on one of Franics Bacons Myths in Sapientia veterum. (Deadline for this essay is August 30, 2022. Students who wish to participate in this course, therefore have to have a firm command both of spoken and written English as well as basic capacities to read Latin. Continuous presence at the seminar is another basic requirement. In their research, students will refer to the primary and secondary literature provided for the seminar as well as to other scholarly literature; in their essays, they will demonstrate their capacity handle the usual methods of scholarly documentation as required in the style sheet issued by the department of philosophy at the University of Vienna. A detailed structure for the paper will be presented at our first meeting.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Continuous presence, active participation a presentaion during the study day, a 15 page essay according to outlines as above.
Continuous presence, active participation a presentation during the study day, a 15 page essay according to outlines as above. (80%)
verbal presentation during the study day (20%)
Continuous presence, active participation a presentation during the study day, a 15 page essay according to outlines as above. (80%)
verbal presentation during the study day (20%)
Examination topics
Perez Zagorin, Francis Bacon, Princeton 1998 (Introduction)Primary textsBacon, The Advancement of Learning (1605)
Bacon, De sapientia veterum (Wisdom of the Ancients (1609)I recommend buying the following (cheap but excellent!)Francis Bacon: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) ed. by Brian Vickers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bacon, De sapientia veterum (Wisdom of the Ancients (1609)I recommend buying the following (cheap but excellent!)Francis Bacon: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) ed. by Brian Vickers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Reading list
Perez Zagorin, Francis Bacon, Princeton 1998 (Introduction)Primary textsBacon, The Advancement of Learning (1605)
Bacon, De sapientia veterum (Wisdom of the Ancients (1609)I recommend buying the following (cheap but excellent!)Francis Bacon: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) ed. by Brian Vickers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bacon, De sapientia veterum (Wisdom of the Ancients (1609)I recommend buying the following (cheap but excellent!)Francis Bacon: The Major Works (Oxford World's Classics) ed. by Brian Vickers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Su 08.05.2022 21:08
This seminar will provide an exposition of the thought of Francis Bacon, (1561-1626). By means of guided close readings of selected primary texts the seminar offers an advanced introduction to the philosophical achievements of Francis Bacon, and his socio-political and intellectual environment; it will outline pre-modern conceptualizations of new epistemologies that were going in tandem with a re-assessment of the cognitive value of literature, myth and fiction. The focus on the changing intellectual culture of Early Modern England will also encompass the conditions of research. Special Attention will be given to readings of Francis Bacon’s De Sapientia veterum (Wisdom of the Ancients).