Universität Wien

190091 SE Education, Biography and Age (2016S)

Professional Biographies of Women

5.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 19 - Bildungswissenschaft
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

4.3. / 18.3. / 15.4. / 29.4. / 13.5. / 24.6.

Friday 04.03. 09:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 4 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Friday 18.03. 09:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 4 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Friday 15.04. 09:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 4 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Friday 29.04. 09:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 4 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Friday 13.05. 09:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 4 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG
Friday 24.06. 09:00 - 13:00 Seminarraum 4 Sensengasse 3a 1.OG


Aims, contents and method of the course

In this course, female biographies in the context of professional careers will be investigated from a theoretical and an empirical point of view. The main focus is put on the question how life is constructed for women in the 21st century. Currently, women have the choice for different careers, but, at the same time, are restricted in their decisions by normative expectations in different life domains.

Using a critical, de-constructive approach based on the theories of doing gender; (Butler 2004, Gherardi 1994, West & Zimmermann, 1987) with regard on how we perceive each other as men and women (Ridgeway 2009), current concepts, such as Work-Life-Balance or „common biographies of men and women are challenged.

During the semester we are going to pose and discuss the question how gender is inscribed in career processes. As a special focus, the professional field of arts is chosen. Students will thus work on professional biographies of female artists.

Assessment and permitted materials

Active participation during course + oral presentation of intermediate results, seminar paper including reflection at the end of semester. Details are to be announced at the first lesson.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

At the end, students should have a good overview on the topic. What is more, every participant has to lead an interview with a female artist. While teaching, I adopt an interactive approach, encouraging all the students to actively and critically participate in discussions and presentations. Open communication, allowing pitfalls, misunderstandings and devious routes serve as a basis for joint development of ideas and learning.

Examination topics

theoretical and methodological papers about female biographies which are used as a basis for the seminar

Reading list

literatur list (exemplary)
Acker, Joan (1990). Hierarchies, Jobs, and Bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations. Gender & Socienty, 4, 2, 81-95.
Allmendinger, Jutta (2009). Frauen auf dem Sprung. Wie junge Frauen heute leben wollen Die BRIGITTE-Studie. Pantheon Verlag: München.
Becker-Schmidt, Regina (2004). Doppelte Vergesellschaftung von Frauen: Divergenzen und Brückenschläge zwischen Privat- und Erwerbsleben. In: Becker, Ruth, Kortendiek, Beate (Hg.) Handbuch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung. Theorie, Methoden, Empirie. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, 62-71.
Born, Claudia, Krüger, Helga, Lorenz-Meyer, Dagmar (1996). Der unentdeckte Wandel. Annäherung an das Verhältnis von Struktur und Norm im weiblichen Lebenslauf. edition sigma, rainer bohn verlag: Berlin.
Dausien, Bettina (1996) Biographie und Geschlecht. Zur biographischen Konstruktion sozialer Wirklichkeit in Frauenlebensgeschichten. Donat Verlag: Bremen.
Dausien, Bettina (2006). Machen Frauen Karriere? Gedanken zum Diskurs über Geschlecht, Beruf und "Work-Life-Balance". Bildungs- und Karrierewege von Frauen. In: Schlüter, Anne (Hg.) Wissen - Erfahrungen - biographisches Lernen. Verlag Barbara Budrich: Opladen, 54-74.
Geissler, Birgit, Oechsle, Mechthild & Braemer, Gudrun (1996). Die Lebensplanung junger Frauen. Zur widersprüchlichen Modernisierung weiblicher Lebensläufe. Beltz Deutscher Studienverlag: Weinheim.
Gherardi, Silvia (1994) The Gender we think, the Gender we do in our Everyday Organizational Lives. Human Relations 47, 6, 591-610.
Löw, Martina (2009) Geschlecht und Macht. Analysen zum Spannungsfeld von Arbeit, Bildung und Familie. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden.
Ridgeway, Cecilia L. (2009) Framed Before We Know It: How Gender Shapes Social Relations. Gender & Society, 23, 2, 145-160.

Association in the course directory


Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:37