Universität Wien
Warning! The directory is not yet complete and will be amended until the beginning of the term.

200233 SE Master's Thesis Seminar (A) (2022S)

2.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 20 - Psychologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 20 participants
Language: German



Termine Prof. Rollett:
MO 07.03.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 14.03.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 21.03.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 28.03.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 04.04.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 25.04.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 02.05.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 09.05.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 16.05.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 23.05.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 30.05.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 13.06.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 20.06.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock
MO 27.06.2022 13.15-14.45 Hörsaal F Psychologie, Liebiggasse 5 1. Stock

Termine Prof. Laireiter:
FR 04.03.2022_16.45-18.15_ DIGITAL
FR 18.03.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 25.03.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 01.04.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 08.04.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 29.04.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 06.05.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 13.05.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 20.05.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 27.05.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 03.06.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 10.06.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 17.06.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618
FR 24.06.2022_16.45-18.15_Hörsaal C Psychologie, NIG 6.Stock A0618


Aims, contents and method of the course

Assessment and permitted materials

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Examination topics

Reading list

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Th 03.03.2022 15:08