210008 PS BAK3: Introduction to scientific work (2021W)
Continuous assessment of course work
Eine Anmeldung über u:space innerhalb der Anmeldephase ist erforderlich! Eine nachträgliche Anmeldung ist NICHT möglich.
Studierende, die der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fernbleiben, verlieren ihren Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung.Achten Sie auf die Einhaltung der Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und die korrekte Anwendung der Techniken wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Schreibens.
Plagiierte und erschlichene Teilleistungen führen zur Nichtbewertung der Lehrveranstaltung (Eintragung eines 'X' im Sammelzeugnis).
Die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung kann Studierende zu einem notenrelevanten Gespräch über erbrachte Teilleistungen einladen.
Studierende, die der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fernbleiben, verlieren ihren Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung.Achten Sie auf die Einhaltung der Standards guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis und die korrekte Anwendung der Techniken wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Schreibens.
Plagiierte und erschlichene Teilleistungen führen zur Nichtbewertung der Lehrveranstaltung (Eintragung eines 'X' im Sammelzeugnis).
Die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung kann Studierende zu einem notenrelevanten Gespräch über erbrachte Teilleistungen einladen.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from Mo 06.09.2021 08:00 to Mo 20.09.2021 08:00
- Registration is open from We 22.09.2021 08:00 to We 29.09.2021 08:00
- Deregistration possible until Fr 22.10.2021 23:59
max. 50 participants
Language: English
FR weekly from 08.10.2021 to 28.01.2022 16.45-18.15 Location: Digital
FR 08.10.2021 16.45-18.15 Ort: HS. 50 Main building, 2nd floor, staircase 8
FR 29.10.2021 16.45-18.15 Ort: HS. 1 (H1), NIG 2nd floor
Attention!!! The first course session on 08.10.2021 will take place in the lecture hall HÖRSAAL 50 (university main building 2nd floor OG02, Nr.: O2.72) To participate in the course it is necessary to be registered and to attend the first session. See the schedule below:
FR 08.10.2021: HS. 50
FR weekly from 15.10.2021 to 28.01.2022: Digital (until further notice)
Any changes and rescheduling that may occur due to the course instructor's teaching and research commitments will be posted on the Moodle course website if necessary.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Assessment and permitted materials
Performance Requirements:
- Regular attendance and active participation
- Homework assignments
- Final Essay, based on a research outline
Voluntary additional contributions are possible and appreciated (e.g. attendance of a scientific event and reporting on it...).
- Regular attendance and active participation
- Homework assignments
- Final Essay, based on a research outline
Voluntary additional contributions are possible and appreciated (e.g. attendance of a scientific event and reporting on it...).
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
For a positive grade, at least half of the maximum possible points must be achieved in all mandatory areas (see 'Performance Requirements').
Grading (points): 1: 100-89, 2: 88-75; 3: 74-65, 4: 64-50; 5: 49-0.
Grading (points): 1: 100-89, 2: 88-75; 3: 74-65, 4: 64-50; 5: 49-0.
Examination topics
see 'Performance Requirements'
Reading list
Relevant course material (basic information, learning materials for scientific work, homework assignments, announcements as well as a selection of literature of scientific texts for topical (online and classroom) discussions and other materials) will be made available in due course on the Moodle course website!
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 18.10.2021 14:08
This course introduces students to the basic principles and research processes of scholarly work in political science. Students are required to complete regular assignments on specific topics, which are discussed in class and serve as building blocks for the final essay outline that forms the basis for the term paper. Students must have a good command of English, as all lectures, seminar materials, and assignments will be exclusively in English.The broader aim is to equip students with the knowledge of the principles, methods and techniques in the field of social scientific work that are required for the study of political science. This includes in particular the critical use of scientific argumentation, various forms and types of scientific texts as well as the ability to develop and find answers to scientific questions. The textual work, i.e. reading, appropriating, processing, interpreting, discussing and drafting texts, is a key part of social scientific work. Therefore, it is aimed to improve reading and analytical skills in order to deal with complex issues of political theory and applied research through joint discussions of texts on various political science topics, but also transdisciplinary themes, especially with relevance to current affairs.Fundamental scientific techniques – quoting, paraphrasing, structuring and writing – are taught and applied by means of selected texts. Particular attention will be given to addressing the issue of plagiarism. Likewise, students will be familiarized with basic strategies and techniques of social science literature review. They will also be introduced to research methods (qualitative, quantitative, comparative and case study research, triangulation) and to “soft skills” (understanding of the scope and limits of knowledge – validity and reliability issues, self-organization, workflow creation, teamwork and communication skills, presentation skills) as well as to the use of web-based e-learning platforms. It is also planned to invite international academic experts who will provide insights into their research practice.Moreover, a particular focus will be on the preparation of the final research essay. This will be done by following a typical research workflow starting from information gathering, formulating a research question, drafting and presenting the outline (Exposé), to developing and completing the final research essay that complies with all formal scientific requirements.The thematic guide for this seminar will include concepts, theories, methods and current issues in the fields of democracy, the state, authority, power and power relations, identity, peace and conflict studies, civil society and social change – especially against the background of the ongoing pandemic and climate crises.!!! As indicated above, the course format and teaching method are related to the developments and possibilities arising from the Covid-19 situation. Due to the current restrictions, it is expected that the course will - until further notice - have to take place online via webinar tools (Zoom, Collaborate, BigBlueButton...) and Moodle e-learning (discussion forums, chats, assignments etc.). The first course session will take place on site in HS. 50. It is hoped that at least some more sessions can also take place face to face with all participants in the lecture hall. Please note the special regulations available here: https://studieren.univie.ac.at/en/studying-exams/studying-on-site/.
You will also be notified via Moodle in late September/early October with more detailed information about the schedule for the first session.