210097 UE BAK17b.1: UE Political Science in practice (2017S)
Field trip to Albania and Kosovo
Continuous assessment of course work
The seminar aims to discover two countries at the margins of Europe. An excursion allows to collect own impressions and informations by traveling. At the agenda are lectures and discussions with members of NGO, politicians, intellectuals, visits of museums and other cutltural places in Pristina, Tirana, and other towns within the two states. Participants should cover the costs of their participation by own means, unfortunately: it is expected that their amount is between 600 and 700 Euro.
Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).
- Registration is open from We 01.02.2017 11:00 to Mo 13.02.2017 08:00
- Registration is open from Th 16.02.2017 08:00 to Mo 20.02.2017 08:00
- Deregistration possible until Mo 13.03.2017 08:00
max. 18 participants
Language: German
There are three meetings in order to prepare the excursion and one afterwards (see the information in German). The participation at the first data is mandatory for the further participation. If you are not an EU citizen you should bear in mind that there is possibly a special visa requirement for Kosovo or Albania that you should handle by yourself.
Aims, contents and method of the course
Engagment in the preparation of the excursion, study of literature and search for other relevant information. Every participant should together wirh other students prepare itsself and the other for certain eventsa and meetings. Time discipline of every person is dececive for the sucess of the excursion. In the result of the excursion the student's group writes a common report that will be published.
Assessment and permitted materials
Engagement and cooperation of every participants are precondition and will be assessed by the lecturers. The seminar will be finalized by the report at the end.
Minimum requirements and assessment criteria
Wichtig ist die engagierte Teilnahme und die Einhaltung der Verhaltensregeln, die vereinbart werden. Selbständigkeit und Disziplin sind gleichermaßen erforderlich. Sprache während der Exkursion: Englisch oder Deutsch, ggf. Übersetzung aus dem Albanischen.
Examination topics
Reading list
O. Schmitt: Die Albaner. Ein Geschichte zwischen Orient und Okzident, München: Beck 2012.
Ders.: Kosovo. Kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkaniscjhen Landschaft, Wien: UTB 2008.
H. Kramer/V. Dzihic: Die Kosovo Bilanz. Scheitert die internationale Gemeischaft, Wien: LIT 2005.
O. Schmitt: Die Albaner. Ein Geschichte zwischen Orient und Okzident, München: Beck 2012.
Ders.: Kosovo. Kurze Geschichte einer zentralbalkaniscjhen Landschaft, Wien: UTB 2008.
H. Kramer/V. Dzihic: Die Kosovo Bilanz. Scheitert die internationale Gemeischaft, Wien: LIT 2005.
Association in the course directory
Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:38