Universität Wien

210117 SE M6a Vertiefungsseminar(a): Demokratiereform (2015S)

10.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 21 - Politikwissenschaft
Continuous assessment of course work

Die selbständige Anmeldung innerhalb der Anmeldephase zu Semesterbeginn ist für die Teilnahme an dieser Lehrveranstaltung verpflichtend Eine nachträgliche Anmeldung ist NICHT möglich.
Anwesenheitspflicht in der ersten LV-Einheit: Studierende, die der ersten Einheit unentschuldigt fern bleiben, verlieren ihren Platz in der Lehrveranstaltung, und Studierende von der Warteliste können nachrücken.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 40 participants
Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Termine: 18.3., 15.4., 6.5., 13.5., 27.5., 10.6., 24.6.

Wednesday 18.03. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Wednesday 15.04. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Wednesday 29.04. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Wednesday 13.05. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Wednesday 27.05. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Wednesday 10.06. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock
Wednesday 24.06. 13:15 - 16:30 Hörsaal 3 (H3), NIG 2. Stock


Aims, contents and method of the course

The seminar deals with the recent developments in Austrian democracy, especially with the parliamentary hearings on "Strengthening Democracy", taking part in spring 2015.
Based on joint readings and discussions, it will pick out and deepen selected issues discussed in the lecture.
Amongst these topics are:
- Parliamentary system and Direct Democracy
- Legislative procedure
- Federalism
- Consitutional Court and Politics
- Electoral la wand voting system
- Party system

Assessment and permitted materials

The final grade will be composed out of 3 parts:
1. Course attendance and active participation (20%)
2. Final paper (50%)
3. Short test (30%)
All parts must be passed.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The objectives of the course are (a.o.):
- to enhance students’ knowledge about the structure of the Austrian democracy, its characteristics and peculiarities;
- to increase students’ understanding of recent developments in the field of Austrian Democracy;
- allow students to better locate the Austrian system and its democratic concept in international scientific debates.

Examination topics

Lecture; Discussion, e-learning

Reading list

will be made available on the e-learning platform.
Tamara Ehs / Stefan Gschiegl / Karl Ucakar / Manfried Welan (eds): Politik und Recht. Spannungsfelder der Gesellschaft, Vienna: Facultas 2012.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: Mo 07.09.2020 15:38