Universität Wien

230018 WS Diagnosis of Society: Gender Norm(ality) between Claims for Equality and Persistent Differences (2023S)

Zwischen Gleichstellungsanspruch und anhaltender Ungleichheit

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 23 - Soziologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 30 participants
Language: German


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Update 30.05.2023: die für 31.05.2023 geplante Einheit muss leider entfallen

Wednesday 01.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 08.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 15.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 22.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 29.03. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 19.04. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 26.04. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 03.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 10.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 17.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 24.05. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 07.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 14.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 21.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre
Wednesday 28.06. 18:30 - 20:00 Seminarraum H10, Rathausstraße 19, Stiege 2, Hochparterre


Aims, contents and method of the course

Sociologists should be especially interested in the relationship of health and organizations. Our present society has been characterized as a “Society of Organizations” and a “Health Society”. Organizations have become more and more central in all spheres of life, and health has become a central societal issue in the last decades. Health impacts of organizations, especially the impact of work on health, has been a core issue of health sciences and public health interventions, especially health protection and disease prevention developed since the 19th century. In the last decades (since the 1980s), health promotion has been promoted by WHO, the World Health Organization, as a new group of public health interventions. Sociology has contributed a lot to this development, particularly concerning the Settings Approach, one of the core strategies of the health promotion approach. Many of these “settings” in which we live our everyday lives, heavily impact on our health. And most of these settings are controlled or at least influenced by organizations. So intervention strategies of the Settings Approach focus try to influence organizational functioning towards optimizing its health impact.
The lecture will focus on settings like workplace, but also human service organizations like hospitals, schools, aged-care residencies etc.
The lecturer has a vast range of experience in research, development and evaluation on the settings approach in different organizational settings, but also students of the Master Program who are writing their thesis in this area are invited to contribute their research project.

Inputs and discussions will include the following issues:
- theoretical and empirical knowledge on impacts of organizations on health
- concepts of health and health promotion
- basic strategies for health promotion interventions in organizational settings, examples from schools, business companies, hospitals and long-term care facilities
- Research on the settings approach: Type and function of research (needs assessment, diagnosis, evaluation, impact analysis, action research etc.), design and methods

Assessment and permitted materials

written final exam; 4 questions (out of a list of 6) have to be answered in text form (short essay)

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Basic understanding of scientific analysis of the impact of organisationd on health of different groups (specific determinants and processes); understanding of the conceptual basis of health promotion interventions in organisational settings; knowledge about practical application and scientific contributions to health promotion in specific organisational settings (workplace, hospitals, schools etc.). This includes needs assessment, development, implementation and evaluation of specific interventions.

Examination topics

Content of the lectures (will be available on the web), basic and selected specific scientific literature

Reading list

Gill, R., 2007: Postfeminist media culture: Elements of a sensibility. European Journal of Cultural Studies 10: 147166.

Henninger, A. und U. Birsl, 2020: Antifeminismen: ’Krisen’-Diskurse mit gesellschaftsspaltendem Potential?, Bielefeld: Transcript.

Herrmann, S.K., 2015: Politischer Antagonismus und sprachliche Gewalt. S. 260 in: Anti-Genderismus: Sexualität und Geschlecht als Schauplätze aktueller politischer Auseinandersetzungen, Bielefeld: Transcript.

Lykke, N., 2013: Feministischer Postkonstruktionismus. Bd. Band 2, S. 3647 in: Critical Matter: Diskussionen eines neuen Materialismus, Münster: Edition Assemblage.

Weiss, A., 2014: Systemfehler: Spaltungsrhetorik als Entpolitisierung der Ungleichheit., Wien: Verlag des Österreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes.

Wetterer, A. (Hg.), 2008: Geschlechterwissen und soziale Praxis: theoretische Zugänge, empirische Erträge., Königstein/Taunus: U. Helmer.

Wetterer, A., 2009: Gleichstellungspolitik im Spannungsfeld unterschiedlicher Spielarten von Geschlechterwissen. GENDER4560.

Wimbauer, C., M. Motakef und J. Teschlade, 2015: Prekäre Selbstverständlichkeiten: Neun prekarisierungstheoretische Thesen zu Diskursen gegen Gleichstellungspolitik und Geschlechterforschung. S. 4158 in: Anti-Genderismus: Sexualität und Geschlecht als Schauplätze aktueller politischer Auseinandersetzungen, Bielefeld: transcript.

Weitere Literatur wird in der Lehrveranstaltung bekanntgegeben.

Association in the course directory

in 505: BA T2 Workshop Gesellschaftsdiagnosen

Last modified: Tu 30.05.2023 11:47