Universität Wien

230060 VO Structure and Development of Contemporary Society (2023S)

3.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 23 - Soziologie


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


Language: German

Examination dates


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Es werden vier Prüfungstermine verbindlich festgesetzt und zwei weitere Termine bei rechtzeitiger Meldung von Bedarf angeboten.
Bei Bedarf an einem 5. Termin etwa Mitte/Ende März 2024 schreiben Sie bitte bis 15.2.2024 ein Email an spl.soziologie[at]univie.ac.at.
Bei Bedarf an einem 6. Termin etwa Mitte/Ende Mai 2024 schreiben Sie bitte bis 15.4.2024 ein Email an spl.soziologie[at]univie.ac.at.
Für Prüfungsantritte ab Juni 2024 verweisen wir auf das Lehrangebot des Sommersemesters 2024.

Update 13.02.2023: die Einheit am 8.5. ersetzt den Termin am 11.5 und wird digital angeboten. Für die Teilnahme an diesem Termin benötigen Sie entsprechendes technisches Equipment.

Thursday 02.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 09.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 16.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 23.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 30.03. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 20.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 27.04. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 04.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Monday 08.05. 13:15 - 14:45 Digital
Thursday 25.05. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 01.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 15.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß
Thursday 22.06. 11:30 - 13:00 Hörsaal I NIG Erdgeschoß


Aims, contents and method of the course

The lecture gives an overview of basic questions of social structure analysis and current social developments that can be observed in Austria and in the global context. At the same time, institutions relevant to social structure and socio-political regulation mechanisms are examined.

The aim of the course is the description and analysis of socio-structural change processes.

Besides an introduction to basic concepts and procedures of social structure analysis, a presentation of central areas of social structure is planned. Among others, the following topics will be covered: Globalisation and social change, structural change of the welfare state, economic and occupational structure, demographic change and age structure, mobility and migration, social reproduction and gender relations, poverty and social inequality, mobility, health, digitalisation and social trends.

A detailed lecture outline will be presented at the beginning of the semester and will be accessible via the learning platform Moodle.
All teaching is in German.

Assessment and permitted materials

A written multiple-choice exam at the end of the semester. The exam will take place online ("digital"). All further detail will be provided on the Moodle platform.
Students are allowed to use a dictionary, otherwise no aids are permitted.

Please note: Any attempt to cheat in the exam will be recorded and count as taking the exam.

Fourth examination date (repeat examination by the board of examiners): in the case of a fourth examination date, a personal registration at the Office of Student Services for Sociology is required at least one week before the examination date. Further information on re-examinations is available on the departmental website.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

A minimum requirement of at least 50% is required to pass the exam and with that, the course.

Grading scale:
very good 87,5% - 100
good 75% - 87,49%
satisfactory 62,5% - 74,99%
pass 50% - 62,49%
fail 0% - 49,99%

Examination topics

Content of the lectures as well as required reading for each lecture; lecture slides, readings and other materials will be made available on the Moodle learning platform.

Reading list

Inhalt der Vorlesungen sowie Pflichtlektüre zur jeweiligen Einheit; Folien, Lektüre und weitere Materialien werden auf der Lernplattform Moodle zur Verfügung gestellt.

Association in the course directory

in 505: BA A1 Anwendungen |
in EC Soz. Gesellschaftsanalysen: VO Struktur und Entwicklung

Last modified: Fr 01.03.2024 09:46