Universität Wien

230136 SE Demographic Theories and Global Population Trends (2020W)

4.00 ECTS (2.00 SWS), SPL 23 - Soziologie
Continuous assessment of course work


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 35 participants
Language: English


Classes (iCal) - next class is marked with N

Friday, 11th December + Friday, 18th December: Presentations

Update 29th October: the seminar will be taught in digital mode.

Friday 13.11. 13:15 - 17:15 Digital
Friday 20.11. 13:15 - 17:15 Digital
Friday 27.11. 13:15 - 17:15 Digital
Friday 04.12. 13:15 - 17:15 Digital
Friday 11.12. 13:15 - 17:15 Digital
Friday 18.12. 15:00 - 17:15 Digital


Aims, contents and method of the course

Introduction to the history of demographic thought and the leading theories concerning demographic trends and their determinants and consequences. Multi-dimensional demography and key demographic measures and models of population dynamics. Causes of changes in Mortality, Fertility and Migration. Special focus on three demographic theories: demographic transition, demographic metabolism, and demographic dividend. Population trends and projections for all countries in the world.

Demographic trends, including the changing size and composition of populations are widely seen as central challenges of the 21st century. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the main concepts and theories of demography and a scientifically sound analysis of these developments.

The seminar essentially consists of two blocks. In the first block the basic concepts and theories will be introduced, and students will choose their country for which they will produce demographic profiles. In the second block the students will receive more input with regard to demographic concepts and theories while they will have started working on their presentations at home and will have given the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback in class or via email from the instructor. In the last two sessions the students will give their presentations. They will receive feedback from the instructor and their peers which will help them with writing their seminar papers.

Assessment and permitted materials

Presentations, written paper, engagement in discussions, active

Hinweis der SPL:
Die Erbringung aller Teilleistungen ist Voraussetzung für eine positive Beurteilung, wenn nicht explizit etwas anderes vermerkt wurde.
Werden einzelne verpflichtende Teilleistungen nicht erbracht, gilt die Lehrveranstaltung als abgebrochen. Falls dem Nichterbringen der Leistung kein wichtiger und unvorhersehbarer Grund seitens des/der Studierenden vorliegt, wird die LV negativ beurteilt.
Bei Vorliegen eines solchen Grundes (zB eine längere Erkrankung) kann der/die Studierende auch nach Ablauf der Frist von der LV abgemeldet werden. Über das Vorliegen eines wichtigen Grundes entscheidet die Lehrveranstaltungsleitung. Der Antrag auf Abmeldung ist unverzüglich nach Eintreten des Grundes zu stellen.
Wurde eine Teilleistung erschlichen, d.h. etwa bei einer Prüfung oder einem Test geschummelt, bei einer schriftlichen Arbeit plagiiert oder auch Unterschriften auf Anwesenheitslisten gefälscht, wird die gesamte Lehrveranstaltung als "nicht beurteilt" gewertet und mit dem Vermerk "geschummelt/erschlichen" in das Notenerfassungssystem eingetragen.
Im Zuge der Beurteilung kann eine Plagiatssoftware (Turnitin in Moodle) zur Anwendung kommen: Details werden von den Lehrenden in der Lehrveranstaltung bekanntgeben.

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

Only students who give both a presentation and deliver a written documentation of it will receive a positive grade.
Active participation: Students are expected to participate in all sessions and also actively follow the presentations that other students give.
One missed session will be tolerated. In the case of important personal reasons to miss more sessions the instructor can grant special permission
1. Active participation in the discussions (10 percent)
2. Quality of final presentation (30 percent)
3. Quality of written annotated version of the presentation with clear definition data sources and methods used, discussion of results and references (60 percent)

a) Maximum number of points to be achieved: 100
b) Minimum requirement for a positive result: 50 points
c) Grading scale
91 - 100 ..... points grade 1
78 - 90 ....... points grade 2
64 - 77 ....... points grade 3
50 - 63 ....... points grade 2
Under 50 points, grade 5

Examination topics

Demographic transition theory
History of demographic thinking
Basics of demographic analysis
Population size and growth
Population structure
Fertility, measurement, and determinants
Mortality, measurement, and determinants
Education and human capital
Global population development
Demographic forecasts and scenarios
Population policy

Reading list

1) Arthur Haupt, Thomas T. Kane, and Carl Haub: PRB's Population Handbook (2011). A quick guide to population dynamics for journalists, policymakers, teachers, students, and other people interested in demographics.

2) Wolfgang Lutz et al.: Demographic Scenarios for the EU: Migration, Population and Education. European Commission 2019.

3) Wolfgang Lutz and Samir KC: Global Human Capital: Integrating Population and Education. Science. 2011 Jul 29;333(6042):587-92. Online (p. 2-7):

John R. Weeks: Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues.

Population, Education, and the World's Future: Joel E. Cohen and Wolfgang Lutz at PRB

IST Science and Society Lecture: Wolfgang Lutz

Wolfgang Lutz: What should be the sustainability criteria in systems models?

Association in the course directory

Die Lehrveranstaltung kann für jede Forschungsspezialisierung des Masterstudiums Soziologie herangezogen werden, sofern dies inhaltlich zu Ihrem Masterarbeitsvorhaben passt bzw. mit dem Betreuer oder der Betreuerin abgesprochen wurde.

Last modified: Fr 12.05.2023 00:20