Universität Wien

240205 SE+UE Practical Experience (2021S)

Continuous assessment of course work

Für diese Lehrveranstaltung ist ausnahmslos eine Anmeldung während der Anmeldephase notwendig und wird nur für das Curriculum 2013 angeboten.

ACHTUNG: aufgrund der COVID-19 Situation sind kurzfristige Änderungen jederzeit möglich, daher informieren Sie sich bitte regelmäßig über Änderungen im Vorlesungsverzeichnis bzw. der Moodle-Plattform.


Note: The time of your registration within the registration period has no effect on the allocation of places (no first come, first served).


max. 25 participants
Language: German



Die Lehre findet digital statt:

MO 08.03.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 22.03.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 19.04.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 03.05.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 17.05.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 31.05.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 14.06.2021 09.00-12.00
MO 28.06.2021 09.00-12.00


Aims, contents and method of the course

The "Berufsfelder der Gender Studies" are aimed at students at the end of their Master's degree - not at beginners!

In the course, possible occupational fields are shown, questioned and also developed - the focus of their respective interest is determined by the participants themselves. As inputs, knowledge about the diversity of employment areas (NPOs/NGOs, public service, private sector, etc.) is imparted on the one hand, and the concepts used in these areas, such as gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting, diversity management, promotion of women, etc., are questioned both critically and with regard to their potential. On the other hand, attention will be paid to theoretical and historical knowledge about the interdependence and interaction of forms of communication and organization and gender. Mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion of people based on various criteria will be discussed.
This is accompanied by students' reflection on their own positions and ideas about fields of activity as graduates of Gender Studies, as well as the development of their own designs for future professional activities, which may also be utopian. Even controversial ideas are given their place and discussed.

Students can choose between a biographical or theoretical approach for their interview.

Inputs, exercises and discussions can take place in German and English, contributions to the discussion can be made in any language and only then translated into English or German. Disadvantage compensation is provided for structural or personal barriers.

The contents are processed using different learning methods (etherpad, digital whiteboard, voting...). No previous knowledge is necessary, all mentioned tools can be learned via links from the University of Vienna, and there will also be mutual support in the course. Discussions will take place in small and large groups, possible results will be saved, linked and made accessible on the learning platform Moodle.

Assessment and permitted materials

Active participation in German or English during the course, interaction with other students, literature research and editing or at least one interview, compulsory reading of texts, a short lecture with handout, an essay (everything can be done in German or English).

Minimum requirements and assessment criteria

The course is exam-immanent and requires a minimum attendance of 80 %. Assessment criteria are intensity, completeness and quality of the work done. There will be oral feedback on everything (if necessary on request).

Examination topics

An interview must be conducted and discussed with the group; the results of the group discussion must be presented in the lecture and with an handout. In addition, there is to write a final essay including academic literature with reflections on the topic.

Reading list

Eine ausführliche Link- und Literaturliste sowie einzelne Texte werden in der Lehrveranstaltung ausgegeben und sukzessive ergänzt.

Association in the course directory

Last modified: We 21.04.2021 11:27